The Move

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Exactly two weeks after Bryan called and asked you to move out to California with him and the rest of the boys, you were packing up your things and locking your door for the last time.

I'll be waiting for you at the normal
entrance. I can't wait to see you!

The text on your phone makes a smile creep upon your lips. Even from thousands of miles away he still manages to make you feel like the happiest girl in the world.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This morning we are looking at clear and smooth flying. Please ensure you stayed seated and buckled until the light goes off. And if you have any questions about distance or time left please be sure to look at the monitor on the seat in front of you. Anything else can be taken care of by our lovely flight attendant, Lyla. We will be departing in five minutes. So please, get comfortable and enjoy the flight."

The announcement sparked something inside of you. A bittersweet feeling really. You were ready to start your life with Bryan and the boys out in California, but the memories of the past are making it hard to be completely excited about it.

"Ladies and gentleman, this is a ten minute warning. We will be getting ready to land so please be sure to return to your seats and buckle up." The captain comes over the speakers.

You feel the slight jolt of the wheels hitting the runway, and your heart flutters in your chest. This is it. This is the beginning of your new life.

You grab your bags from luggage claim and head towards the all to familiar entrance. Right there, in front of the door is Bryan, standing in front of the vehicle you've also become familiar with, holding a bouquet.

"Welcome home babygirl." He says leaning down to place a gentle kiss upon your lips.

Placing your bags in the car you slide into the passenger seat.

"You ready?" He smiles.

"Absolutely." You smirk.

"The boys are so excited." He laughs as he pulls into the driveway.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks with a concerned look on his face.

"I'll be fine Bryan. It's just different knowing I won't be going home this time." You half smile.

"We're here for you." He assures you grabbing your hand between his and kissing it softly.

"I know. It'll just take some time." You smile leaning in and kissing him.

Bryan and you walk to the door and as it swings open you gasp in surprise.

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