CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Finding Luca pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"I have something for you tonight...but for right now, I need you to get to safety. Tate is almost here." He told me. I just nodded my head, and when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around quickly. I saw Tate. I sighed in relief, and he just quietly grabbed me. Just when we were about to leave, Gio grabbed me. I looked at him with my eyes wide as he kissed my lips softly. I blushed when he pulled away. He chuckled when he saw my face before he shifted into his werewolf. My eyes went wide when I realized he was the black wolf from that time. He was here...He smirked and winked at me before disappearing to find Marcel. Tate told me to follow him. We made it to his car, and he told me to drive his car just in case Marcel tried something. I just nodded my head, and I drove his car to where I parked mine. He told me to go home, and he will follow behind me. When we made it back to my house, I could see him on the phone. He put it on speaker.

"I need five guys at the address I just sent you. Gio is not going to be heard until later. I need to make sure our Luna is protected. Do I make myself clear?" He said.

"Yes, sir. We will be there as soon as possible." He said okay before hanging up.

"What was that all about?" I asked him.

"You can't be alone anymore, knowing that Marcel was trying to set you up. I sent our best guards to protect you. You will have our best guard to be around you at all times while you are working." He told me. 

"What about Gio, Roman, and Killian?" I asked.

"Gio, Roman, and Killian are going to be staying with you. I think that is the best option for right now." I blushed when he immediately said that.

"I don't know about that," I said, flustered.

"Scottie, they are not going do things that you are uncomfortable with, and now that Gio is back, he is not going to want you out of his sight. Roman and Killian are going to pick up Presley right now. Your uncle was staying with Gio because a similar situation happens to him. He got a text message from Luca, thinking it was Luca. Marcel shows up and basically tries to kill him. Gio saves him and takes him to a safe place. This is more dangerous than you realize." Tate pointed out.

"I know...but there has been no word on where Luca is..." I asked him.

"I have a suspicion or more like Dominic called me." I froze when he said that.

"Dominic called you..." I asked.

"Yeah, he called me about the family home they grew up in. He thinks Luca would be there, but then he told me that they had horrible things happen to them when they were in that house, so he thinks he would not be there." Tate told me.

"I mean, it is very possible Luca would be there because often people go back to their past lives to figure themselves out or hide somewhere that they know for a fact no one would check there." I pointed out.

"Why would he put himself through all of that trouble, though, because Luca is how he is today because of the fucked up shit that happened to him. Dominic had some fucked up shit happened to him, but that doesn't even come close to what Luca went through when he was growing up." Tate pointed out.

"What happened to Luca when he was a child, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Presley never told you the full story of what happened, didn't he..." Tate told me. I just shook my head no, and he motioned for me to unlock my door. I locked the door when Tate walked in. I went inside my kitchen to make some coffee. 

"Luca was raped by Marcel when he was a child. That is why Marcel got sent to the mental hospital." I looked at him with my eyes wide.

"Why would Marcel do that...why does he just rape people without a second thought?" I stuttered out. 

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