Chapter Eleven: High School Visit

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*Scottie's p.o.v*

I arrived to my old high school. I took a deep long breath as I entered. I looked around and noticed that it still look exactly the same. I walked to the front office, and I was greeted by the same front office lady that has been here since I came to this high school. She looked at me with her eyes wide.

"Scottie Rockdale, my oh my, you have grown a little taller since the last time I saw you." She chuckled lightly.

"It is nice to see you too Miss Nancy." I said flustered.

"What can I do for you?" She smiled.

"I am here to ask some questions about the disappearance of Luca Alexander. Does that name ring a bell to you?" I asked her.

"I have not heard his name being mentioned in years, but the last thing I heard is that Luca and Presley got into this really huge argument, and Luca took off. He was never seen after that." He pointed out.

They got into an argument and he did not tell me. Oh, I was so going to drill his ass when I see him later.

"Who did you hear that from?" I asked.

"Do you remember Charlotte Graham?" She asked. I just smiled with my eyes wide. She was my math teacher, and my only favorite teacher here. She was also my god mother, and my uncle's best friend.

"Thank you for telling me. I will go see her now." I smiled. I waved at her as I walked off into the direction where I remember where her class was. I saw her sitting at her desk typing away. She looked up at me when she saw me standing in front of her door.

"Oh, Scottie, it is good to see you following your dreams." She stated. I smiled and I closed the door behind me. She hugged me tightly.

"How is my favorite person doing?" She chuckled.

"Honestly, I really don't know how to feel because I am investigating the disappearance of Luca."

"Presley told me you were. I am glad to answer any questions that you have."

"Thank you! Okay, so Miss Nancy told me that Presley and Luca got into this big argument the night he disappeared. Is that true?"

"Yeah, I walked in the middle of it. Man, that shit was crazy." She chuckled.

"Define crazy." I asked.

"I have never seen Presley get that mad ever, but Luca confronted Presley on senior prom night about him avoiding him. Presley was trying to move on, but every second, it is like something was always going on with Dominic and Luca. Presley just needed space to think about the decision he was going to make in terms of being their friend or cutting them off. Dominic and Luca did not let him get the space he needed. Instead, they kept showing up to his job and house trying to speak to him. They were doing these things they normally would not do to get him to talk to him. One time, Luca kidnapped him. Presley beat his ass when he found out it was him. It was stuff normally I would see boyfriends and girlfriends fighting over. " She commented.

"Okay, can you describe to me their relationship." I asked.

"They were all best friends. You always saw Presley, Camiel, Dominic, Luca, and I together, but Presley, Dominic, and Luca were the three musketeers. They were almost always together. Their relationship did not start having problems until they began showing interest in Camiel. Presley would feel left out quite alot because now it became the four musketeers instead of the three of them. He was always around, and tell you the truth none of us like Camiel. Camiel was so mean to Presley behind their backs. He never told Dominic or Luca about what happened that night when he was attacked."

"He was attacked..." I said with my eyes wide.

"Yes, he almost died. He would not be here today if Dominic and Luca did not turn him into a werewolf. Camiel stabbed him, and he never told them anything, so that is when he started to avoid them officially. He did not want to tell them about the fact that the love of his life stabbed him, knowing that there was a possibility that they would not believe him." He pointed out.

"You are telling me that Roman, Gio, and Killian's father tried to kill my uncle." I said.

"Yes, Presley was onto Camiel. Camiel was just using them to set a trap for them to get killed by the rival mafia leader. Camiel's mate is the rival mafia leader. " I froze when she mentioned the rival mafia leader who I know for a fact is dead thanks to Gio. Now I am finding out Camiel was his mate.

"Wait, what is a mate because no one is telling me."

"A mate in simplest terms is your soul mate. This means this person was destined for you, but when it comes to werewolves, they will know who their mate is when their mate turns 18. This means that once they hit 18, their wolf will be antsy around their mate, but won't have a clue until after their mate is old mating age which is again 18 years old."

"Okay, so wait how old was my uncle around senior prom."

"He had just turned 17 the week before prom." She smirked.

"How old was Luca and Dominic?" I asked.

"Luca just turned 19 about two months before prom. Dominic turned 18 about three months before prom." She admitted.

"When did my uncle get attacked?"

"It was that night right after Luca and Presley got into that big argument at senior prom."

"He was turned that night right...." I asked her for clarification.

"Yes." She smirked. That is when it immediately clicked.

"Their wolves were antsy when they found him because they unofficially offfically realized that Presley was their mate. Does Presley know that?"

"Most likely not considering the fact that he was 17. Luca came and saw me that night after he turned Presley. He told me he saw everything. He found out about Camiel stabbing him when he bit him to turn him into a werewolf. Luca has been on the hunt for Camiel ever since."

"Wait, Camiel is alive...." I said pacing around the classroom.

"Very much so, if Luca still has not found him yet." She commented.

"Wait but what about Dominic?" I asked confusedly.

"He is dead because Luca found him while trying to track down Camiel..." She pointed out.

"Who is Camiel's mate then?" I asked.

"His name was Quiver. He was the leader of the rival gang when Dominic was the leader." I froze and I looked at her with my eyes wide.

"Why would he have a child with Dominic knowing that he was not his mate. That is awful and then that is also Gio, Roman, and Killian's father as well. Like why corrupt their lives.

"Camiel is a vindictive piece of shit who wanted Presley, Luca and Dominic dead because his mate could not keep his dick in his pants and tried to rape Presley. They did not know that Camiel was his mate because he was spying on Dominic's plans, so they can surprise attack us."

"A bitch move." I rolled my eyes.

"Exactly." She snapped.

"Thank you for answering my questions. If I have anymore questions, I will call you." I said giving her a hug.

"No problem. Be safe." She smiled. I walked out of that building and got in my car. I drove straight to Presley's house with all these thoughts in my mind. I think he deserves to know, so as I was driving to his house, I was coming up with ways to tell him about the information that I just found out.

It is going to be a long night...

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