Chapter Twenty-One: Scottie's Own Investigation

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*Scottie's p.o.v.*

Because Dominic refuses to help me find Luca, I am doing some investigating of my own. I have been avoiding talking to my dad since finding out my uncle was really my dad came to a shock to me. I mean I know we have to talk but there is so much tension in the air that I am afraid if we talk now, I am going to go off. I rather cool my emotions down first before addressing him. If that means avoiding him and working alone for a while then I will do it. I looked up Luca's past homes and I saw about three homes that popped up. I was taking a trip to one of the homes today. It was about an hour away and I just wanted to find answers. When I got to the house, I saw it was not a house at all, but it was a mansion. There was a gate that had a lock on it. I turned my car off and got out the car to untie the lock off the gate. 

I walked up to the house, and I froze when I saw a sleek black matte BMW parked in front of the house. As I recall looking at my father's report, this matches the description of Luca's car. People have been trying find this car for years and for me to happen to just stumble upon it is like crazy to me. I was not going to call for backup because I mean Luca is a target and his brother is out here pretending to be him. I knocked on the door and I could hear footsteps coming closer and closer to the door.

When the door open, I saw a tattooed version of Marcel standing at the door, and his eyes went wide when he saw me. I knew this was Luca without a doubt based on what my dad said that one time about him being covered in tatts. 

"My name is Scottie. I am-

"I know. Just come in. Were you followed here?" He asked.

"No." I said with confidence. 

"Okay." He said looking at me. He closed the door and sat on the other couch across from me.

"Okay, so can you tell me what happened the night you "disappeared" I asked.

"That night, your father was acting weird. We were not in a good place. I am not going to lie. We were not getting along, but I still cared for him even if we were not seeing eye to eye. That night, he seemed anxious and scared. I asked him what was going on, but because we were not in a good place, it led into us arguing. I walked off because one of my "friends" said that he needed me for something. Then, I remember drinking the punch and realizing that it was spiked. I woke up and I was in my car. I know for a fact that I did not walk there, so I knew something was wrong. I saw I had missed calls from your dad. He left a voicemail and I still have not deleted it to this day." He stated. He grabs his phone and he pressed a button on his phone. I heard my dad's voice on the phone.

"Luca, I know you are probably going to never get this because you never check your voicemails, but if something happens to me, I want to say this now. I know that we have not seen eye to eye lately and you want answers. I am going to give you the answers right now. The reason why I have been acting so weird is because I love you. I have always been in love with you and Dominic. You guys mean the world to me and I rather suffer than lose you guys as friends. There is one more thing I wish I could tell you, but I would not be able to live with myself if I told you because you would not believe me. I love you." I heard my dad's voice cut out in the end, but there was another voice you could hear telling him to hurry up. You could hear a clicking sound and because I am a cop, I know that sound anywhere. It was a gun. 

"When I heard the other voice on the phone, I knew something was wrong. I immediately drove and the more I drove, the more I could smell the blood. I stopped and found him laying lifeless. Dominic and I were panicking because we were trying to figure out who's voice that was in the voicemail. We couldn't really tell because he sounded far. We knew it was a man's voice, but didn't know who it was. I turned him into a werewolf, but when I turned him, I saw a couple of visions and my wolf went into a rage. I realized when I tasted his blood as I was turning him that he was my mate because my wolf started getting antsy and sad, but then I saw all the shit Presley went through. My wolf went into a rage when I saw who caused that hurt."

I froze because what we speculated was just confirmed by the man himself. 

"Wait, so let me just clarify, you turned him into a werewolf. You realized he was your mate. You saw visions or something about what my dad was going through and your wolf went into a rage. So how did you end up being gone for all this time. Did he kidnap you?" I asked.

"Okay, so when I found him, I asked him why he did it. He still to this day has not given me a proper answer as to why he was messing with mates because messing up mate bonds especially since your mate is destined for you is a big no no in the werewolf world. Elders get involved and most of the time you are either killed by the elders or sent to this dungeon that you will never be able to get out of once you set foot in it. But because there is no solid proof that he did it, he is still here roaming around causing chaos. I have been working trying to find solid proof, but then I was ambushed by him. I am stuck in this house." He stated.

"What do you mean you are stuck in this house?" I asked him.

He walks up to the door but as soon as he tries to walk out, it was like he bumped into a clear glass door. I walked out just to test it, but I was able to walk out.

" how in the hell did you get stuck in the house in the first place..." I asked. 

"One of his old witch friends cast a spell on the house to where if werewolves come in, they won't be able to get out without their mates help and they are helpless. That is why Dominic doesn't want Presley coming up here because he could potentially get stuck in the house with me."

That explains why Dominic doesn't want Presley to find him and why Luca has not be found.

"Does anyone know you are here?" I asked.

"Dominic, Killian, Roman, and now you do." He admitted.

"Wait, wouldn't dad still be able to get you out because he is your mate?" I asked.

"No because we have not officially mated yet." He stated. I blushed just remembering what mating meant based on the conversation that I had a long time ago about mates and what that entailed. 

"Oh." I said flustered.

"Yeah, so that is all of it besides knowing my lunatic twin is out there pretending to be me right now." He stated.

"Do you know about...what happened to my dad..." I asked.

"Yeah, he got his ass beat, but as soon as I get out, I am going to kill him and that little shit that I was once so fawn of." He snapped.

"As long as it has nothing to do with me, I will stay out of that." He stated.

"I will make sure you are out of it." He promised.

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