"I want you !" - Part Twelve

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Jay POV :
We walked towards Pirates' ship I turned around to see Carlos staring at the ground and slowly walking In a hopeless posture .
"What's up with you ?" I asked .
"Nothing .. I just feel bad and .. I don't know why !" He responded and started to walk faster .
Girls were far away from us and and and we had to speed up .
All night we have been going back to the Auradon and coming back to the Isle . Carlos made a copy of the wand which was fake so he would give it to Uma and they give Ben back and girls were at the Isle , in here , at Dizzy's place , making some colour bombs so we can fight back at the ship if they wanted to start a fight .
And ... We dropped Jane at the Auradon because it wasn't safe for her in here but .. Ugh !
Lonnie didn't even let us get her off the limo and came back to the Isle with us . She said she knows swordfighting ...
Remembering Lonnie , I automaticlly remembered our conversation with Evie yesterday . It was really weird .
Like , If I could find Jacob , I would probaply kill him but when she said she did pull back but alittle later than the kiss happened , I got alittle confused because , She didn't like me anymore ; She told so ...
I tried to forget these running thoughts and turned back at Carlos .
"Are you tired because of the last night ?" I asked from Carlos and he just Shrugged ; No answer . He was acting really weird !
"Guys !" Mal called us and I gasped because I was surprised .
"Come on !" Evie said and pointed at us to speed up and I started to run and Carlos clumsily followed me .
We entered a tunel whose walls were covered with nets and disgusting green and stinky things .
Suddenly Carlos stumbled and grabbed my sleeve .
I groaned and said :" Be carefull !"
Mal hushed at us and finally we were there ...
The pirates singing and giant ships and yeah ; Ben standing beside Harry with his hands tied to the column behind him .
Lonnie covered her mouth with her palms and turned , looking at me , kinda smiling .
She was excited ! What the hell ?! This energy and vibe wasn't so likeable in the Isle so I grabbed her arm and said :" Be carefull , Lonnie . They aren't so .."
"Welcome !..." Harry Hook groaned with that usual psychotic tone , smirking and fixing his blue widened eyes on us .
"Nice ..!" I compeleted my last sentence , whispering it at Lonnie's ear .
She nodded carefully and it started ...

After that ... It was the time ; Mal stepped forward and reached out to Uma , wanting to hand her the wand . Uma smirked and stepped forward , Saying :" See ? Easy peasy !"
Mal pulled back and said :" Give me Ben , first !"
Uma ignored her and said :" Hand me the wand , princess !"
Mal let a sigh out and yelled :" Give me Ben !"
I could feel Harry's cold hatefull looks on Ben while he had his hook surrounding Ben's neck .
But he , himself was staring at Mal in a loving way .. One of those looks I'd seen him giving Uma before going to Auradon , At the Dragon hall .
Mal stared at their side (Harry and Bens') and held her breath .
"Bring beastie boy , Harry !" Uma snapped .
Mal groaned hearing Ben's nickname and Harry grabbed Ben by collar and arms .
He dragged Ben on his knees infront of us and Mal handed the wand to Uma , surely ; I mean , it was fake . Duh !
Ben was staring at Uma in a strange way that Mal had to make him stand up .
But this was not the end ... As soon as Uma tried spelling evil all over the world with the wand and realized how we played her , Everything got even worst ...

I was running when all of my friends , Even Evie were running in the front , very very faraway ...
I got tired and couldn't run anymore . I wanted to shout guys wait ! But I couldn't ..
I was short of breath and kinda choking ...
"Jay , You okay ?" I heard Evie's voice from behind and froze . Wasn't she gone already ?
I turned and saw her ; Her blue dark hair was straight and fallen all over her shoulders and she was wearing the same long leather blue dress . But .. But her eyes were different ; Hazel and golden ; So hypnotizing ...
Her lipstick was red and glossy as minutes ago ; So darker than her pale smooth skin ..
But she couldn't be Evie . Evie just ran away with everyone and I was left alone not that  her and I were alone !.. Or were we ?..
"Evie ? Weren't you ...?" I said and pointed my finger at the side my friends left to .
"I don't wanna go , Jay .." She whispered and I slowly blinked . She looked alittle different but I could be wrong because my vision was sleepy and blurry already ..
"What do you mean ? They are waiting for us ." I said and tried to convince her .
She giggled and suddenly ran up our house stairs which was so much near to that alley .
"Evie ! Where the hell do you think you're going ?! We should go back to Auradon !" I yelled and followed her upstairs , as soon as I didn't hear her answer .
Why was she doing this ?!
I slammed the door and opened it to see absoulute no one in the room .
I was beginning to feel like I'm crazy and I'm hallucinated when suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder and I got triggered .
I slowly looked at the person ; It was Evie ..
"Evie what the hell ..?!" I was saying when she leaned me on the wall and pressed her hand on my chest , Leaning on it , staring at me in the eyes .
I widened my eyes and said :" Woah ..."
She smirked and said :" Lets get back together , Jay .. I don't wanna go back . Doug's so nice ... I don't like nice guys . I want you !"
I held my breath and said :" Evie , don't do this to .. To yourself . To Doug !.. You know you're lying right now !.."
"I've been lying to myself since the last time we were together !.." She squeaked in that innocent tone slowly placing her hands around my neck .
"No Evie , Please ." I said because I knew she wasn't this . This wasn't her .. She was so loyal to her boyfriend , Doug ..
Her eyes teared up and I gulped ; No , Evie .. Don't do this to me .
Your sadness is my weak point . Don't do this ..
"You love someone else ?" She asked ; No Evie , Never .. But we talked about this .
"Evie ,  we talked . We have to let this childish relationship go .." I said and nodded my head .
"But I don't ..." She said and suddenly kissed me .
Yeah , I wasn't expecting that to happen . Kiss ?! I knew it will happen but not that I'm gonna kiss her back . I thought I was loyal enough to pull back when she kissed me but it just took one step for her to make me a loverboy .
I wrapped my arms around her waist and her kiss slowly warmed my whole body .
After we both pulled back , I was ahsamed of what I've done so I kept my head down ..
But I felt like I was drunk , like I couldn't control my feelings for her anymore .
"Evie , This is wrong ..." I murmured and let a sigh out .
"Don't worry , Jay .. No one will understand , No Doug , No Lonnie .." She whispered and I swallowed my fear .
"No one will find us .." She said and locked the door .
I wrinckled my nose and felt dizzy , stumbling and falling on my bed . She came and layed beside me , Saying :" Look , This is the real us , Jay ..."
"But .." I murmured as my eyes were closed and I was feeling sleepy .
"I never left you . I always loved you ." She said and I closed my eyes , drowning in weird dreams as I was high .
Finally after a long deep sleep , I opened my eyes ; I was tied !...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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