"Too Late .." - Part Seven

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Harry POV :
I walked down the alley with Uma . There was empty and it was just us , Walking down there , Listening to our footsteps . We were panting because we had ran alot untill there .
If you'd like to know why ,  We were hungry so I decided to rob some food from a shop . Then the shopkeeper became angry and we ram . It was one of those days that I didn't have the energy to hook someone !
As we were walking , I slowed down and leaned on a wall having a bite from the food I robbed for us . Uma awkwardly smiled and said :" Harry ..."
"Hmm ?" I said as my mouth was filled with that sandwhich . It was Isle's first fastfood restaurant and they were trying their best . It tasted so much better than anything you could find in the Isle ..
"Thanks for these .." She said as if she wanted to change the topic or hide something from me .
Uma .." I said and swallowed the food filled in my mouth . Wind's cold breeze caressed our hair as we were looking at eachother in silence .She locked her dark eyes on me and I continued :" I forgot to thank you for .. Defeating me infront of ...." I wanted to say her name hut instead I said :" That girl ."
Uma pursed her lips as I was kinda confused of how much tiny bites she is having from the sandwhich , Keeping her mouth clean , Unlike me ..
"I didn't do anything , Harry .." She responded and quickly stole her gaze from mine .
After the last attack from CJ , Things got really awkward between Uma and I because I was really close to Uma . I was almost kissing her !.. When she leaned back .
"Well , You say so but .. You know how much that hook means to me ." I said and remembering my father , Continued :" It is my dad's only memory for me .."
Uma glamced at me as if she wanted to review her miserable parents to me . Her mother , Was so bsusy with cursing people that couldn't spend even alittle time for her own daughter and her father ?.. Left her mother alone when she was pregnant .
She hated her mother .
"I don't really like my father ! But .. He is my father , I mean ." I murmured and continued :" They make us who we are .."
Uma sighed and nodded .
After a long silence as I was looking at the dark ripped curtains hanging from a empty shop on the corner of the alley and dancing in with wind , Uma said :" Why did you do it ?"
I raised my eyebrow in a questioning way .."Why did you make out with her ?" Uma asked awkwardly .
I gulped . I still couldn't remember that night which became one of my worst nightmares ... That purple haired monster .
"I .. I'm not sure ." I responded , Stuttering .
"Or maybe you don't want to !?..." Uma said . She meant that I wasn't telling the truth to her .
As soon as we both finished our sandwhiches I scrunched the plastic which had surrounded it and threw it on the ground . I looked at Uma's lips ; There was a alittle bit of mayonaise on her bottom lip . I stepped forward and she leaned on the wall , Looking at me , With her armscrossed .
"Have you ever wondered how it feels ?..." I asked in a tone which as I knew Uma secretly admired ; My usual psychotic tone ..
"What ?" She asked and raised her eyebrow .
"How it feels to kiss ?.." I murmured and stepped forward , Again .
Uma froze ; There was a deep richness to her black skin ; a homely vibe that brought to mind fireside ...
Perhaps that is me seeing my freedom in her eyes , Transposing their sweetly intellectual sarcasm and ways to her, Yet we humans enjoy linking good memories with the prospect new and wonderful lives ..
"You know you really make me feel strong .." I said and leaned forward , Placing my hook on the wall behind her on the upper side of her shoulder .
She was heavilly breathing but still looking calm .
"You're prettier tha any other girl outside .." I murmured .
"Harry , Stop this conversation right here .." She was saying when I cut her short , Saying outloud :"You know you like me , Right ?"
She stopped for a moment and doubtfully said :" No , Harry .. We're just friends .."
I grabbed her arm with my hook and looked at her eyes which were ahain fixed on my mouth !
"But friends don't look at eachothers' lips in this way .." I murmured and flexed my head , Grinning as if I knew she wouldn't deny that .
"What do you mean , Hook ? Can't we just have a simple conversation ?!"
No, We can't Uma . You can't lie to me anymore !
She had hair like the wind, wild and free .. And her eyes were like the night, deep and mysterious.
She surely didn’t even look like everyone else’s definition of pretty ; Everyone was crushing on Mal but now I was sure who I really liked .
I was sure that Uma would never call me a peasant and ofcourse she had feelings for me too ... That day was the worst day of my life when for the first time she saw the lipstick mark on my neck and she made that face that girls make when they're cheated on and upset ... She had became cold and hopeless . She tried to get an answer from me but I knew lastnight I wasn't compeletly okay and awaken . I was poisoned ....
Uma was still so kind to me and looked like my definition of pretty. She had the look of adventure, of a spirit that can soar, and to me that will always be more attractive than any color or shape in the world ...
Uma was staring at me not even blinking ...
I placed my other hand on the wall behind her on the upper side of her shoulder and stared at her .. Uma's eyes were fixed on my lips again but she was trying hard to not look ... Her gaze was nervously bouncing around unlike usual that she had a calm relaxed gaze ..
I was leaning forward to make the hugest step in my life when suddenly , I heard Gil's voice from the other side of the alley .
"Guys ! Where are you ?"
I sighed looking at Uma and she pushed me away , Saying absolutaly nothing ..
Wow ... She doesn't even like you , Harry .

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