"Look What You Made Me Do !" - Part Five

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Jane POV :
I was sitting on a leather seat which was ripped in some places .
"Stand up !" Maddie groaned , Rolling her eyes .
I quickly stood up and looked at her who was smirking , Nodding .
"You ready to take over the world ?" She asked as her arms were crossed .
I doubtfully gulped and said :" I don't think I have the potentioal to do that ..."
"Do what ?" She asked and raised her eyebrow .
I stayed silent and she flipped her violet hair back , Saying :" There's nothing to do .. It's just a little change .."
Suddenly I felt a warmness on my shoulders and as I looked back , I saw Charles who was standing right behind me blowing his warm breaths through my neck , Tickling it .
He slowly pushed me towards the mirror in the corner of the room which had wooden frames .
I looked at myself ; Boring look , Outfit and make up ..
I felt Charles hand slowly getting wrapped around my waist as he was whsipering :" Don't you want everyone to pay attention to you ?"
I gulped and nodded , Saying :" Sure I do .."
"Then what are you waiting for ?.. Lets just -" He was saying when Maddie cut him short , Saying :" Wait ! First we should see , What she got ." I glanced at her and Jacob and Ivy who were standing in the corner of the room , Staring at me , Waiting for me to do something .
I swallowed and whispered at Charles , Saying :" What should I do ?"
He placed his hand on my shoulder as I couldn't resist it and pull myself away , Saying :" Feel the power of anger , Surrounding you . The jealousy , Sorrow and heart-broken can turn you into something different .."
I , Who still couldn't understand what I had to do , Raised my eyebrows . He sighed and leaned forward , Saying :" Close your eyes .. Feel all of your anger turning into words coming out of your mouth . In a different way .. Like you're saying goodbye to the weak boring Jane .."
I gulpes and nodded . He slowly slid his hand off my shoulder as his brown eyes which were surrounded with a grey eyeshadow , Were fixed on my mouth . As I had my eyes closed , I could still hear them breathing heavilly and staring at me ..
I reviewed each bad memory .. Even my own mom didn't care for me as much as She did for Cinderella . My only crush was a playboy or whatever it was that I hated ..
My bestfriend left me today , Calling me ugly and fat . I always loved Audrey and acted nice to her but she ?.. Disrespected me !
I opened my eyes feeling all those memories turning into words , Anger and something I've never felt before . Charles looked at me , Still waiting ..
I turned towards the room's one and only window and stepping forward , I looked out of it seeing Auradon ..
I tried my best ability which usually calmed me .
"I don't like your little games .." I sang , Looking at the window , Imagining Audrey standing infront of me with her hands tied , Screaming for help when no one could help her and I was the one who was there to help her .. The girl she called fat and ugly .
"Don't like your tilted stage .." I continued and averted my gaze and thoughts from my imaination , Looking at Charles who was looking interested .
"The role you made me play .." My eyes caught a crumpled poster which had Carlos' picture on it . It was easy to say it was Carlos with that poser fake innocent smile and red clothes .
"Of the fool, no, I don't like you !" I grabbed the poster and scrunched it angrilly , Wrinckling my nose .
"I don't like your perfect crime !..." I looked at the scrunched poster as if I was waiting for his miserable smile to fade ..
"How you laugh when you lie !.."
"You said the gun was mine.." I murmured and threw the paper on the ground .
"Isn't cool, no, I don't like you !" I said turning , looking back at the window .
I put my hands on my hips looking at my new friends , Smirking in the most wicked way I could saying :" But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time !"
"Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time !.." I raised my both hands as if I wanted to start a storm , Closing my eyes .
"I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined !" I sang and Charles started ryhming , Nodding and smirking ..
"I check it once, then I check it twice, oh !" I said and hit my fists on my legs , dancing and swaying from one side to another .
"Ooh, look what you made me do !" I sang and stepped forward ; It was like I had turned into a moster .. I still had the same looks but there was a power glowing from inside . I stepped on the edge of the window which's view was the dark ocean and The Auradon . There was a wooden swing , Hanging from the roof infront of the window .. I unexpectedly stepped on it and contniued :" Look what you made me do !"
"Look what you just made me do .. Look what you just made me !" I swung on the swing from back to front , Letting the cold breeze caress my hair .
"Ooh, look what you made me do .." I repeadetly sang this line , Looking at the Auradon and finally I fought with my imbalance and stepped into the house again .
"I don't like your kingdom keys .." I sang and narrowed my eyes in a threatening way , Looking back at all of the scrunched posters ; Mal , Evie , Jay and Carlos .
They've got all of the school's attention and my bestfriend left me because of them !
"They once belonged to me .." Charles and Maddie raised their eyebrows , Looking at eachother in a impressed way ..
"You ask me for a place to sleep ..Locked me out and threw a feast ."
"What !?" Maddie and Ivy squeaked with confusion .
I stood in the middle of them and placed my hands on their shoulders grinning wickedly , saying :"The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama !.."
"But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma !" Girls smiled at me ryhming , slightly dancing ..
"And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure !" I flipped my hair back and chuckled , Saying :" Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours !" Looking out thenp window .
"But I got smarter .." I was singing when girls started singing with me :" I got harder in the nick of time !" I put my hands on my hip , Looking at my friends , Smirkimg and raising my eyebrow .
"Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time !" Maddie sang and pursed her pouty plum-colored lips into a duckfacr , Fixing her green eyes on me .
"I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined !" Ivy sang and ripped a poster from Evie , Smiling weirdly ..
"I check it once, then I check it twice, oh !" I sang and Charles stepped forward , Skirking in a flirty way I felt it was enjoying to watch at the moment . He fixed his brown hazel eyes on my lips as I was singing ..
"Ooh, look what you made me do !.." I sang this line with girls as boys were nodding with each line passing .
Maddie handed Charles his ring and he held my hands , Pulling me towards himself ..
He looked at me in the eyes , Leaning forward then fixing his gaze on my lips which made me kinda nervous but I knew I oculdn't resist hik anymore..
He was so much better than Carlos and Ofcourse cooler ..
He glowed his brows eyes , Red and murmured in a melodious way :" I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me ..." I was getting hnotized but I rather being hypnotized by Hcarles than getting my heart broken by Carlos ..
"I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams .."
He continued as I felt all the badness and evil thoughts running through my mind , Repeating :"I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me .."
"I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams .." I murmured just like him as he was smiling .. Did he love me or was I just falling for his lies again ?..
But ah , The way he looked at me reminded me of something I've never felt before in real life .. It was just dreams I used to have ; A boy looking at me like that , Slowly blinking and smiling as if there's a living miracle standing infront of him .
"I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me .." Suddenly a light flashed and when I opened my eyes , I was infront of the mirror , Automaticlly singing :" I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams .."
Looking at myself , At first I couldn't recognize her ; The girl who was standing infront of me , In the mirror .
"I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me .." Messy brown wavey hair fallen all over my shoulders ; Dark lipstick on my lips which contained some gloss , Leather jey black Jacket and a shirt with the same color under that which baddie was written on it in a handwriting white font .
I smiled looking at myself but Charles slowly slid his finger on my lips' corner which made me smirk .
I hrabbed my phone looking through my messages . There were messages from Evie and others .
"I'm sorry, the old Jane can't come to the phone right now. " I said and oursed my lips into duckfafe in a sad way as Charles was smiling in a questioning way .
"Why ?" I said and chuckled looking at him .
"Oh , cause she's dead!" I blocked all my contacts in seconds and gratefully looked away .
"Ooh, look what you made me do !" We walked down the stairs and continued singing . I liked my new look ; Everything was cool in me ..
Leather jacket and boots .. Long and polished nails and everything was just awesome .
"Look what you made me do !.." I sat behind Charles who was sitting on his motor cycle . He grabbed my arms and wrapped them sround his waist as if he didn't want me to fall or anything ..
"Look what you just made me do !" We all sang , Passing the streets fastly with our motorcycles as we didn't care . We were having fun .. I was finally living my life .
Carelessly and eviliously ... Maybe I wasn't meant to be a AK . Maybe I was meant to be a villian . Not everyone is like their parents , I mean ..
Slowly some feelings crawled into my mind . Like I was developing feelings for someone called Charles . My crush's evil twin which was way cooler than him ..
He truly loved me . He was not a playboy .. I'm talking about Charles . For the first time I wanted to believe that he loved me ..
My new friends in here , Didn't call me ugly or fat . I don't count boring as a bad word because I used to call myself like that .
"Look what you just made me do !" We finally stopped singing , Reaching the barrier .
{Song name : Look what you made me do by Taylor Swift}
I kimda missed Auradon . There were lots of beautiful things that weren't here but still , Here was way cooler than there .
"Wow !" Charles said and looked at me , Widening his eyes .
I glanced at him as I was standing infront of the barrier looking through it , Seeing Auradon .
"That was amazing .."He said and got off his motorcycle . He was wearing a leather suit which was compeletly white with black lines on some parts including his chest .
"Thanks !" I was saying when he placed his figner on my lips hushing me , Saying :" You don't have to thank people .. You are bad now ."
I smiled at him as he was slowly sliding his finger off my lips .
"Gonna have come fun I guess .." Ivy said and grinned looking at me . Jacob wrapped his arms around her and grinned in a flirty way , looking at her .
Maddie rolled her eyes and said :" Am I fifth-wheeling or something ?"
Charles shrugged and said :" Maybe ?.." I laughed and for the first in a while I felt different and strong in my own way ...

Me (writer)Well guys , I'm here and I'm Charles

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Me (writer)
Well guys , I'm here and I'm Charles .
Mana (writer) left her phone in the Isle after she wrote everything so I'm writing the outro .
What do u think will happen next ?
I think Jane looks really cool with these outfits , Huh ?
Oh sh*t Mana's coming !..
I'll just publish it now ! Hehe *evil laughter*

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