She would be having her party for her birthday on the coming Saturday. Mostly everyone she knew from Hawkins was coming down. Well those alive, that is. (I've been thinking about how to finish this paragraph for a WHILE!) Its not likely that ANY of the boy's parents are going to let them stay, but she had to try. It's most likely a yes from Beverly because Nina is a girl and she told her to tell her dad that it was only going to be her, Erica, Jody, and Flynn at the sleepover. Jody and Flynn's parents love her. So much that if she ever needed them to, they would adopt her without a second thought. "Alright kids! Line up, specials!" The teacher yelled. The kids listened and ran to line up. Flynn and Jody were some of the fastest people in the class, excluding Nina. Nina walked into the line but still was right behind the two. Stanley was right behind her so she turned around and smiled her sweet smile. He smiled back right before saying "Happy birthday" in a very soft and sweet tone. Those two words from him may have made her day. She had no clue why, but her friends did. They were giggling up a storm in front of her. When she noticed, she just rolled her eyes with that smile still on her face. It didn't leave during specials, or math, or ELA. It stayed on her face until lunch. When she got to lunch, she sat at her usual spot at the end of the table. She pulled out the watermelon that Joyce packed for her and started to slowly eat it while she stared off into space. Before she knew it, she was in a very familiar place. So dark, gloomy, lonely with little specs that look like ash floating in the air. The upside down. Everything around her was destroyed.

But, she wasn't in Derry Elementary's lunch room. She was back in Hawkins. She was outside the arcade. She was there, but she wasn't. A young Will Byers runs through her body. She can't tell him where to go, yet she tried. She couldn't tell him that Joyce was looking for him, or that Nancy got stuck in the woods only moments earlier, or that he had a funeral for a fake body. Nothing. It was so close to silent. To close. All you could hear is the panting of the tired Byers boy, and a faint yet extremely loud monster growl from afar. She couldn't move either. She tried to run after him, multiple times even. But, just as she was still in the cafeteria, she was still in the upside down. She couldn't. She couldn't scream for him, she couldn't run after him, she could barely breath that air in there. She couldn't do anything. She felt trapped, useless, and alone. She hates feeling alone. The feeling and the look. The look of it only being you, the looks of pity when you're walking home alone, the feeling of having nobody being there to catch you if you fall or having nobody there to talk to.

Everything about being alone creeps her out. Always has. She's never been one for being alone. Back when she lived with Calli and her friends, she shared a room and was never there alone. They would both stay behind when the others would leave because he didn't like that fact that they would kill either. They would play card games while everyone else was out. Very few people there remembered that she was still a little girl. He did, Callie didn't. She saw her as a weapon not to be reckoned with, not her little sister. Every night, she would talk to Nina. Well, at least, that's what everyone thought was going on. What she was really doing was tormenting her. Showing her things that have terrified her forever.

One time, he wanted to see if she wanted to play go fish and so he walked in. Callie made Nina think that he was her father. When he would start to talk, she would see Dr.Brenner talking. She'd hear his voice. She'd see him. It terrified her. It took him a minute to realize what was happening. But when he did, he was angry. Enraged or infuriated, if you will. He started to fuss at Callie for it. That fussing soon turned to yelling. Him yelling caught Callie off guard and her powers stopped. Quit, canceled, what ever you would like to call it. Her powers stopping caused Nina to see that it was him, not Brenner. She was scared. Terrified, petrified, frightened. You call it what you call it but no matter what, she was fearful for her life.

She didn't want to die. She never has. She hoped she never did. They all knew better than that and everyone knew she would want to some day. They all knew that day would come and they hoped it wasn't going to be any time soon. Or that it would come and go very quickly.

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