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Safe word/phrase/action
     A word, phrase, or action that when completed will bring you back to your current reality. These are generally things you wouldn't say or do normally, things that would be totally out of place in your dr, but they can be anything as they won't activate without intention. You can have multiple. You can script that you won't forget them if you're paranoid about that. You don't even need a safe action, you will be able to return to your cr just by willing it.
     Examples: fist bump or kiss yourself in a mirror, a word in a language you don't speak, a slang phrase you don't use aloud, a meme, a nonsense phrase, a literary reference

     A blueprint for your desired reality. Can include things like your appearance, how people perceive you, any skills you want, you relationships to others and their relationships to each other. Anything and everything. This can be in whatever format works best for you and can be written, typed, or even just mental. Bullet points, paragraphs, even a scrapbook. It's a good idea to memorize at least some of it so that you can use that information in any visualizations, but even if you don't remember something it will be included in your dr. You don't need to physically script everything, or anything. If you've decided you want it, it will be there.

Current Reality (cr)
     The reality you were first conscious in and are shifting out of.

Original Reality (or)
     Synonymous with cr. Some people prefer it because technically when you're in your dr that is your "current reality", but neither one is right or wrong.

Desired Reality (dr)
     The reality you have scripted and will be shifting to.

Waiting Room (wr)
     Essentially a miniature dr. People use waiting rooms as a stepping stone between their or and dr, a place to safely freak out about the fact that they've shifted, a place to relax, or even a place to study! Your wr can be a house in a secluded area, a single room, anything you want. You can script a safe action that will take you there and back to your dr if you like, or a portal that will take you to your dr.

     An exact copy of your consciousness automatically left behind in your cr body when you shift. Your clone will look just like you, act just like you, and have all your memories. It is there so that people in your cr remain unaware that you have shifted realities and to hold your place in your current reality. You can script specific things that it will do in order to minimize meddling in your life. You will replace your clone once you return to your cr.

     Statements that serve to solidify in your mind the fact that you're going to shift.
     Examples: I am going home, I am going to shift tonight, I will wake up in my desired reality, shifting comes easily to me, or details about your dr like my hair is x length, my eyes are x color

Subliminals (subs)
     Audios that work on a subconscious level to help you shift. You can find premade ones on places like Youtube or make your own. You may be able to find specific ones if you are going to a well known place, but general ones work just as well. These can be white noise, background noise like voices, music that reminds you of your dr, recorded affirmations, theta waves, any combination of these, anything really that works for you.

last updated: 6.20.21

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