My last words

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The moment Iwaizumi feared so much had come: a war between humans and demons. Hajime was convinced he could bring peace, albeit to a small extent, by working for Oikawa, convincing him that humans weren't all that bad. That was until Tooru declared war on them and all because of a misunderstanding.

Iwaizumi sighed as his comrades made a plan for the impending attack. Yes, Hajime had gone home to them, but that didn't mean he was back to being a demon hunter. He didn't want to be anymore, not after meeting Oikawa and Osamu.

"Iwaizumi-san, Oikawa will attack us at sunset," Kageyama said seriously, getting his attention.

"We'll wait for him at this point. Did you call the others?" Hajime asked.

He hadn't yet recovered from his role as general.

"Yes, Iwaizumi-san...will I be able to use my power?" Hinata asked impatiently.

The innate power that both Hinata and Iwaizumi possessed was capable of slaying a demon, even the most powerful of them.

"Only if nedeed, Hinata" Iwaizumi said, approaching the door to leave.

"But they'll surely kill us..." the little guy replied.

"Only if nedeed" Hajime repeated dryly, before leaving.

He didn't want a bloodshed happen. He didn't want some innocent people to lose their lives in what he, after all, thought was a useless conflict. It's known that hatred between humans and demons would always exist, but Hajime believed he could put an end to that hatred. He was so miserable...he had lost everything.

Hajime Iwaizumi had Tooru Oikawa, but now he had nothing left.

The sunset came and with it also the war. Oikawa's army could be seen from the hill: there were hundreds of soldiers. Iwaizumi could see Tooru, leading all the demons, flanked by Kuroo and Atsumu.

Perfect...Hajime thought wryly.

Tooru's eyes were so cold, it didn't look like him. Hajime wasn't the same as before either. If he was forced to fight this war, he'd do it for his fellow men. He'd defend them and he swore not to kill anyone.

"Leave Oikawa to me" Iwaizumi told his comrades when Oikawa gave the signal to his army.

They began to fight, run, hit, stab. It had begun. The demons certainly had more advantages: they could evaporate and use their powers, and this began to show itself in the hundreds of human deaths they were causing.

Hajime kept making his way, he had to reach Oikawa. Obviously, he had to pass through the demonic armies to reach him, and he had to injure what had once been his soldiers. The more he went on, the more Iwaizumi felt guilty. He hated this war.

"Well well, who we have here" said a voice from behind.

He recognized it immediately: Atsumu Miya. The demon didn't even give him time to reply that he immediately attacked him, making him stagger backwards.

"Miya, I don't want to kill you" Iwaizumi said dryly, causing a mocking smile in the demon.

"As if you could do it!" Atsumu exclaimed, hitting him again, this time injuring him in the arm.

Iwaizumi began to defend himself and for a moment he prevailed, as he used his power on his sword, managing to wound Atsumu. The demon, furious, used his power and smashed the knight straight to the ground. Hajime couldn't move and Miya slowly approached him, grinning.

"Finally I'll have the pleasure of killing you with my own hands...not even Kuroo will be able to stop me anymore" Atsumu said pleased, licking his lips.

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