Be my knight

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"I said don't bother!" cried the voice, opening the door.

Iwaizumi took advantage of this, throwing the dagger at the demon who dodged, taken by surprise.

"What the hell...?!" exclaimed the Demon King, while Iwaizumi approached, trying to stab him, but was thrown against the wall.

"Finally some fun," said the demon with a grin, looking Iwaizumi in the eyes.

Hajime stood up, this time holding his sword, and approached Oikawa. The demon tried to drive him away as before, but Iwaizumi protected himself, using his innate power. Oikawa raised an eyebrow, surprised and perplexed. Hajime seized his moment of distraction and approached the king, leaving a scratch on his cheek.

The demon brought a hand to his face, touching the wound and noting that the tips of his fingers were bloody. It was the first time he could see the color of his blood.

"Well well well...a demon hunter who finally manages to do his duty!" Oikawa exclaimed, grabbing Iwaizumi by the neck and slamming him against the wall.

Hajime tried to free himself, but felt that the forces were abandoning him.

"Bastard...!" said Iwaizumi, trying to stab him, but the demon dodged him.

"What a rude human that I find myself in front of!" Tooru exclaimed grinning, while Hajime finally managed to free himself from the grasp.

"YoU'll pay for killing my people!" Iwaizumi growled, knocking him to the ground and trying to kill him.

"And you? You kill my fellow men," said Oikawa as he dodged the blades that Hajime was pointing at him.

"You may have forgotten it, but 15 years ago you killed my grandfather...and now I'll kill you!" Iwaizumi exclaimed, pointing the blade at his throat, but a force field prevented him from sinking the dagger into the flesh.

"I may be immortal, but at the time I was 7 years old," Tooru said calmly, as if he didn't have a blade pointed at his throat.

Iwaizumi's eyes widened in surprise. A 7-year-old boy would never have succeeded in killing his grandfather. Oikawa looked at the human, trying to understand his expressions. His gaze then settled on the hunter's chest, where a bow hung. THAT bow.

"Arata...Arata Iwaizumi?!" Tooru exclaimed in shock, pronouncing the name of his father's killer.

Hajime looked at him in surprise, then suddenly he was hit on the floor: Tooru had reversed his positions.

"Who are you?!" the demon said in a cold voice, it gave shivers.

"Hajime Iwaizumi" replied the boy, not looking away even for a moment.

Oikawa's eyes widened in shock.

"Iwa-chan?" he simply said.

Hajime stared at him, equally shocked. Nobody had called him by that nickname for 15 years now.

"Oikawa?!" exclaimed Iwaizumi, both paralyzed.

Tooru smiled, looking him in the eyes.

"Are you the king of demons?!" said Iwaizumi in shock.

"And you're a demon hunter," Oikawa said back, no longer smiling.

They both stood up facing each other after 15 years.

Hajime didn't know what to say. After so many years, the same child who played with him in the woods had become the Demon King. Suddenly he felt his strength dry up, his sight darken, until he fell to the ground, helpless.

Humanly Demonic (IwaOi)Where stories live. Discover now