The beginning of the end

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**A/N : You thought I was gone, uh? lol

Sorry for the waiting, I was so busy I didn' have time but...I'm back now!!! We're slowly reaching the end, enjoy this!! See ya soon, I promise. **

Iwaizumi was furious. He didn't know what to do, what to think, where to go. Everyone was against him. Atsumu hated him so much that he tortured him, Kuroo was indifferent, and Oikawa...Oikawa didn't understand him. Hajime couldn't take it anymore. He didn't know why he had agreed to stay by his side, to become his knight, It couldn't be.

If only Iwaizumi had stayed with his comrades, none of this would have happened. For a moment he thought about leaving everything, leaving the castle, leaving Oikawa and going back to his companions. For a moment he thought he was going back to being a demon hunter.

He knew very well that, however, he was unable to do so. Not anymore. The reason lived right in that castle and reigned demons, as well as his heart. Iwaizumi snorted, irritated by the weakness Oikawa was causing him and went back to work.

That morning he was to lead the guards into the forest to check the territory. Hajime was tired and he trusted his men to do the job flawlessly. As he walked, he noticed some all too familiar orange hair.

"Hinata...?" he said incredulously.

The boy turned to him, raising his sword. When he recognized Iwaizumi, he beamed.

"Iwaizumi-san!" he exclaimed, running towards him.

" are you? It's been a long time since we last met"

"The last time we saw each other, though, you were a demon hunter, Iwaizumi-san," Hinata observed, making Hajime freeze.

"Shoyo, you know I did it to keep you safe" Iwaizumi said seriously and painfully.

"I know, Iwaizumi-san. I owe you my life for this. The Demon King wanted to kill me" Hinata said, shivering at the mere memory.

"W-What?" said the knight, incredulous and shocked.

"Oikawa-sama is just as the people of our village describe him, Iwaizumi-san. He's evil, heartless. He kept killing even when you became his personal knight" Hinata said.

It was there that the world collapsed under Iwaizumi's feet. Nothing made sense anymore. Tooru, his best friend, that same child with a smile brighter than stars, was a merciless killer.

Hajime clenched his fists, then looked up when Hinata spoke to him again: "You have to help us, Iwaizumi-san. Oikawa wants to exterminate us all...Kenma said that to do so he needs divine innate power...your power, Iwaizumi-san"

Hajime's eyes widened at those words. Kuroo's words boomed in his head.

"Oikawa is just using him"

Iwaizumi inhaled deeply, then stared at Hinata without saying a word.

"Now you've seen it with your own eyes" said someone who was observing that scene. "Yeah," Oikawa said, clenching his fists, his eyes fixed on his knight.

"You've heard every word. Iwaizumi is plotting behind your back" Kuroo said, folding his arms, satisfied that he was always right.

But he hadn't realized the feelings his king was going through at that moment. Tooru was destroyed. Knowing that the person he trusted most in the world, who loved more than himself...was betraying him...

Slowly everything around him began to spark, until it caught fire.

"Calm down" Kuroo said simply, shaking his hand and stopping the flames.

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