Stella Pregnant

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It was 1 year since Otis died. And half a year since Joe got  the first shift without Foster. Stella wakes up and goes to the kitchen she doesn't feel good for a few days but there shouldn't be any meadows. She looks at clock it was only 5 o'clock in the morning but do not have to leave for work until 7:15 a.m. Stella makes herself a coffee and lays down a sports mat on the floor she does sports. She does sports until 6 am then she clears all the things away. She makes herself breakfast then Kelly comes out of the bedroom he says, Good morning my beautiful' Stella says,Good morning my beautiful' he gives Stella a long kiss. Then comes matt out of his room he says, Good morning her two' both say,' Matt says who goes to the bathroom first' Stella says I'm going.'I'm going to do sports' Matt says, then go fast I have to talk to Kelly still what about work' Stella goes to the bathroom she closes the door and matt says to Kelly, when will she make a request?' Kelly says soon. But since I need a whole week off with her' Matt says, ok will talk with ground let's see when you can make two free' Kelly says, thank you matt' matt says, nothing to thank her two belongs together. I've never seen you no like with Stella she makes you lucky' Kelly says she makes me so happy and I love her above all else. I never want to let them go', Matt says, that I can hear this from your mouth. Makes me so lucky I wish you with Stella the best' Kelly says, thank you matt' Stella comes out of the bathroom she screams 'the next one can run into the bathroom' Kelly runs and gets ready in bad. There after matt. Stella waits at the door until the two are ready. She says, do we all go together, right? The two shrines, yes' Kelly screams, I drive' Stella says, ok' finally the two come out of the room they take because coffee from the kitchen and then go to door Stella opens the door she goes to Kelly car Stella climbs backwards she puts her head backwards. Matt looks back and sees stella isn't doing well he says Stella is doing well you're so pale?' Kelly also looks back and he says, "You're pale. What's going on?' Stella says I'm fine ' The guys look at each other and think they don't tell us the truth
In the guard coming up Kelly gets out and makes the put forward the Stella can get out he says to her, Is really everything okay' Stella says, yes I'm fine' Stella goes in front of the boys under holding themselves still Kelly says, matt Stella isn't doing well she doesn't want to tell us' Matt says Foster, isn't there since today maybe that. But I'm talking to ground that we do Stella for today in the ambulance' Kelly says, yes thank you' Matt talks with ground he wanted to divide Stella into ambulance today as well. You go into the meeting room where sitting all the floor says, Stella you go today with board on the ambulance' Stella says, yes Brett that against lust' Board says I love to drive with Stella we are such a good subject' floor says, I believe you' then ring the ringing Stella and Brett must go. After 1 hour she comes back and sat down in the sun board realizes what is not true she says is all right' Stella says, no. I think I'm pregnant' Brett says  have to do a test best we drive to the hospital and let there make one that's safe' Stella says, yes we have to work' Board sees how floor, matte and Kelly comes out of the door and says on the ground, ground we have to do what can they report us off for 2 hours please?' Boden says ok but in 2 hours since her back there' Stella and Brett run to ambulances and drive off the three young look behind here says ground, what's going on with the two?' Kelly says I don't know they're just saying girls matter' matte says they always say to me.We'll know soon what's going on with them' Stella and Brett go to the hospital. Stella gets off Board comes over and says to find out if you're pregnant' Stella says, yeah, if I'm pregnant what then?' Brett says Kelly is happy to finally become a father. we help you all' Stella says, thank you' Stella and Brett go in there is Nathalie. Nathalie is the two of them and ask, what can I do for you?' Brett says Stella thinks she's pregnant she needs a blood test quickly' Nathalie says Stella and Brett comes up with me just lifting time. Stella we take you blood off then you have to wait 30 minutes and let's see the result at ok' Stella nods. 30 minutes later Nathalie comes in and says, Congratulations you are pregnant. Let's see how far you are?' Stella says, yes, Stella lays down and puts the top up. Nathalie puts the gel on her belly and looks at the worm and says, "It's all good with the baby you're in 7 week' Stella says, thanks Nathalie' Nathalie says, Please your mother's passport and your first picture of your baby' Stella says, thank you Stella and Brett go out of the hospital board saying omg you're pregnant I'm going to be aunt. How will you tell Kelly' Stella says, I don't know' Brett says we still have an hour until we have to be at the guard' Stella says, ok then let's see what we find' Stella and board find a cardboard box and a baby romper where up stands Hello Daddy and you the first photo. Stella and Brett go to the guard.Stella gets out of matte standing there and asks, and what have you had to do now' Brett Says that's what you'd find out soon' Stella asks, is Kelly there?' Matt says yes in Kelly's room but winner is there. If we had a bet we weren't there and now we have to work with the OFD' Stella says, ok I have to give in what' Matt says, ok then go' Stella goes to Kelly's room and knocks. He opens the door and says I just don't have time' Stella says she's giving her a gift for you please now when you have time ok ' Kelly says ok' Stella goes off to board with a grin. Brett asks, did you give it to him' Stella says, yes' Brett and Stella sit down in the sun. After 1 hour winner is away Kelly makes the package and can hardly believe it what is there then it knocks on the door Matt is it. Matt asks, is everything ok 'Kelly says I'm going to be a dad' matte says, oh my God congratulations' Kelly says, where's Stella?' Matt says outside in the sun' Kelly runs out to see room past everyone past Stella. Brett says, there comes someone' Stella stands on Kelly takes Stella in her arms and says you've given me a nice gift' Stella says, yes I think everyone comes and say what's going on Stella looks kelly at him says Stella is pregnant, we're getting a child' Hermann runs up to Stella and raises her up Kelly says, careful' Hermann laughs. Everyone comes here and congratulations. Boden says Stella you want to be pregnant now you stay on the ambulance' Stella says, yes of course' Everyone is happy. Matt and Kelly have something to do with THE OFD. Stella and Brett get cozy on the sofa from the guard and watch a movie. Hermann comes in and says, who makes the dinner' Board says, joe'. Joe makes dinner all the  boys aren't back yet.Brett says let's play a game' all say yes' Board says guys go girls. Table tennis rausten at the court' Everyone say, yes that we are such a fun' Stella is doing well because she also plays along. Brett says the game goes when someone drops the ball he's out' Hermann says you've only been second' Brett says, actually to 3 the baby of Stella. Stella we broke a girl' all laugh. Stella says I know hopefully against it a girl' the game begins. After the second round come Boden,Matt and Kelly , winner,Grissom. Boden asks, what are you doing?' Hermann says Stella and Brett claim they are better than us because of playing we're saying ground, ok' . Stella's phone rings. Everyone looks at Stella at her says it's Cindy' she goes to the phone and says, hello Cindy is what's happening' Cindy says, Stella says you've got so Ford something is right with Annabella she says she just wants to talk to you' Stella says, can you come with her' Cindy says, yeah I'm all looking at Stella. Hermann says, Stella what is? Has what happened?' Stella says, Hermann I don't know yet. Annabella she doesn't want to know what happened to me' . 10 minutes Cindy comes with Annabella Stella entertaining herself just until Annabella cries to Stella and she hugs. Everyone is looking at Stella getting down on her knees and talking to Annabella, Annabella what's going on?' Annabella sits her t-shirt up and shows her back Stella can't believe what they are. Stella says who was the Annabella tell me please' Annabella gets her phone out and shows Stella a video. Stella gets up and almost crosses her face. And takes Annabella in her arms. Everyone looks at Stella at her see her eyes tears. Hermann says, Stella what's going on?' Stella says, 'You want to say it to Annabella?' Annabella says, no you please stay with me' Stella says she has to go to the hospital. She's beaten by her teachers'
.Hermann says what ?' Stella shows him the video. Annabella is getting more and more attached to Stella. Hermann gets down on his knees. But Anna Bella only goes to Stella. Cindy says Stella just likes you' Stella says, I know. But she also has to resist you both' Hermann says, ok I know but who is going with her to the hospital now ' Floor says, Stella you drive her at time only you. I meld the 61 off' Stella gets down on her knees and says to Annabella, Annabella we're going to drive and drive to the hospital now' Stella looks at Kelly and says, can I please have your car' Kelly goes to her and gives her his car keys and says basse on you three on' Cindy says what I didn't get with'. 'Stella is 7 weeks pregnant' Cindy says, congratulations' Stella says thank you. Annabella come on now' Annabella goes with Stella. You come to hospital on April comes and says, hello Stella what can I do for you?' Stella says hello April this is Annabella's daughter of Hermann. But she just wants to be with me at the time because of her I'm not Cindy. But why I'm here you've got to look at him back' April says, 'Come with' Stella and Annabella go with them to the treatment room, Annabella pulls up her t-shirt. April says how this happens? That looks bad ' Stella says she was beaten by her teachers' April says what. Ok we need a renken picture' Stella says, ok 'After the renken picture she has to wait another 10 minutes until April comes and says Annabella must soft in the operating room her back looks not good if we want to avoid the worst we have to do it now but we still broke the permission of the parents' Stella says, yes I call her'. On the guard everyone is waiting for a call from Stella . Boden says that takes a long time' Cindy says as long as Annabella has her favorite person is all good' Hermann says, Cindy i'm sorry. The Annabella so time not so sorry' Cindy says, Can Annabella understand Stella is really good with children and now that she has her own' Kelly says Stella will be a very good mother. Everyone says, 'Yes, she will'

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