baby is coming

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Stella is now 9 months pregnant at any time you can go. Stella wakes up Kelly is no longer there. He's already at work. Stella loves everything has become so difficult today is a bad day. She can't walk properly anymore. She tries to go downstairs. She comes downstairs. Kelly Mama is at the pool. Stella goes into the kitchen to get some tea and sits outside. Stella says, good morning Jennifer 'Jennifer turns around and says, good morning how are you?' Stella says, not good, everything hurts, I can't anymore 'Jennifer stands up and walks over to Stella, takes her in her arms and says, Stella you are doing really great.' Stella says, thank you, 'You can take a bite. Stella gets up and goes into the kitchen she suddenly notices such a pain in her back that the man cannot describe 'Stella hold on tight, she can't anymore she screams, Jennifer come quickly' Jennifer comes and says, Stella what's going on? ' Stella says, my back is so sore. 'Jennifer takes Stella, helps her on the sofa, gets a hot water bottle and puts it on her back. On the guard Kelly is in the kitchen and sits at the table Hermann says, it can go anytime 'Kelly says, yes, I'm so excited to teach the girl' Hermann says, me too 'Matt comes and says, and Kelly how are you 'Kelly says fine'. At home the pain is getting worse and worse. Jennifer decides that she is going to the hospital. Stella get up all of a sudden makes it pale. Stella says my amniotic sac is gone. 'Jennifer says, go to the sick house quickly' Jennifer takes Stella's bag and takes the keys to the car. She helps Stella leg to get in, she puts the bags in the trunk. She gets in and drives off. When she arrives at the hospital, she helps Stella out of the car and brings her inside. Nathalie comes and says, Stella is starting 'Stella says, yes' they bring a wheelchair they take Stella to the delivery room. Jennifer calls Kelly. On the guard floor and matt all the guys are outside at the unit tables. Until Kelly's cell phone rings, he looks at it and sees that it is his mom, he goes on it, he says, mom what is? ' Jennifer says let's go you have to come to the hospital 'Kelly says I'm coming' Kelly hangs up and says the baby is coming 'All shrine finally floor says Tony she's taking Kelly to the hospital with the blue lights' Tony says yes' All shrine, good luck 'Kelly stops they drive off after 5 minutes they arrive at the hospital. Kelly Sprint out runs in her mama stands there he says where is she? ' Jennifer says, in the delivery room 'Kelly keeps running. Nathalie sees Kelly and says, it's good that you are her the cervix is ​​only at 3 ten meters take care of her' Nathalie brings Kelly into Stella's room. Kelly goes in he goes to Stella takes her in his arms Stella says, it's good that you are her 'Kelly says, I promised you that I would not leave you alone' Stella gives Kelly a kiss. Stella has a woe she clings to Kelly. Six hours have been taken. Stella is still in labor. Nathalie says, Stella let's go for a bite 'Kelly has to see how his wife is suffering' after 20 minutes, Stella come back into the room. Nathalie lays Stella on the bed her mother's mouth is at 10 meters. Nathalie says if you have three Brest you 1 2 3 'Stella squeezes Kelly's hand after 5 puffs the little girl is there. Kelly disappears the umbilical cord. Nathalie lays the little girl on Stella's chest. Stella starts crying Kelly too Kelly says I'm so proud of you 'Kelly kisses Stella. Nathalie says, do you already have a name Mira Rose 'Nathalie says, a nice name' Kelly says, thank you 'Nathalie says, I'll take a look at Mira and clean her up and put her on and get her back. Stella gives Nathalie Mira Nathalie takes her. She lays them on the angle commander. She looks at the little one, she is healthy, she is still dressing the little one.

And gives it to Kelly, he takes it and says she's beautiful just like her mother, 'Stella says, I think she's got her father's eyes

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And gives it to Kelly, he takes it and says she's beautiful just like her mother, 'Stella says, I think she's got her father's eyes.' Kelly laughs. April comes see the little one and says, omg she is cute. What is her name? 'Stella says, Mira Rose Severide' April says, a very nice name. But why am I there? The whole watch has already been and your mother says 'Stella, let her in' April goes and fetches the watch. They all come in Hermann comes first and says, omg she, how cute is she, please 'floor comes and says, man can eat her up so cute' Brett says, load me through 'Brett starts to Vienna and says, omg' Stella says, Brett would you like to be her godfather 'Brett says, yes yes I can take her' Kelly gives Brett Mira he goes to his wife and takes her into the poor. Gabby says what's her name? ' Stella says, Mira Rose Severide 'Boden says that's a nice name' Brett says, oh yes hello Mira you are just as cute as your mother 'Stella says, now you can stop' After 20 minutes everyone goes Brett gives Mira Stella and goes. Stella takes them and style them. According to the styles, Stella places the Klien on her chest. Kelly is just getting ready for bed, he comes back into the room and sees his wife and daughter sleeping, he takes a picture and goes to sleep too. Author: I suffer if it is too short. But I hope you like it. I now always load Wednesday and Sunday but that will come today.

Stella and Kelly ( Englisch)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu