stella and mira come home

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Mira is now 3 days old. Stella and Mira are still in the hospital house but today they are allowed to go home. Stella is in bed with Mira and cuddles with her. Nathalie comes and says, good morning 'Stella says, good morning' Nathalie says, Mira has to go to the last examination for a moment. 'Stella says, yes' Stella gives Nathalie Mira. Stella sits down briefly on the bed Kelly comes and says, Good morning 'Stella says, Good morning where have you been?' Kelly says I had something to do. Where's Mira? ' Stella says she said at the last check-up, 'Kelly says great' Stella says I'm going to the bathroom, get ready ' Stella goes into the bathroom and changes. Stella comes out of the bathroom

Kelly says, wow you look so good 'Stella goes over to him, gives him a kiss and says thank you I love you' Kelly says I love you too '

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Kelly says, wow you look so good 'Stella goes over to him, gives him a kiss and says thank you I love you' Kelly says I love you too '. There is a knock on the door. Nathalie comes back with Mira. Nathalie says, her field is nothing, she is a healthy girl. 'Nathalie gives Mira Stella. Stella goes to the Winkel Mira bed and changes her clothes

Mira has finished moving Stella lifts her up Nathalie says, she is just as beautiful as her mother, 'Kelly says, yes that's right

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Mira has finished moving Stella lifts her up Nathalie says, she is just as beautiful as her mother, 'Kelly says, yes that's right.' Nathalie says, Stella you look really good. The stomach is already against thin 'Stella says, thank you' Nathalie fetches all the documents. Stella puts it in the baby seat for me, she covers it up Stella puts on a jacket. Nathalie comes and says, so your dismissal paper. I wish you a lot of fun with the little one. See you soon 'Stella says thank you soon' Kelly takes Mira and the bags Stella we drive to the car in the wheelchair. Kelly puts Mira in the car Turn her on. Stella sits back to her. Kelly gets in and drives home. When they get home they get out and go into the house. Stella sits down on the sofa Kelly takes me out of the baby seat and sits down on the sofa - they enjoy the moment for three. She snuggles up on the sofa for 2 hours. Mira is crying. After the breastfeeding, Stella lays her in her nest.

 After the breastfeeding, Stella lays her in her nest

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Stella loves Kelly has made something to eat. You eat talk. After dinner she sits down on the sofa. And cuddle with the little one. Snuggled up on the sofa after 6 hours. Go to bed Stella has to breastfeed after 2 times. Kelly got up early the next morning and has to go back to work before he can take parental leave. Stella and Mira are still sleeping, he gives me a kiss on the forehead. He goes close the house door quietly. He gets into his car and drives to the guard at the guard come he gets out goes inside. Bring his bag in his closet. He goes into the conference room He stands in the back Matt says, and how are Mira and Stella 'Kelly says, super thank you' Hermann says when she says little mouse 'Kelly says, promised soon' Boden comes in and says Good morning 'Everyone says, good morning' Boden says, Today is Kelly's last day before he goes on parental leave. This is his substitute Ben knows' Everyone says hello 'Boden says so you can all get to work' Kelly talks to ben. At home with Stella and Mira, they have just woken up. Stella is breastfeeding me, goes down with her, puts her in her nest. Makes herself something to eat, then she goes to Mira and says, Mira, we'll go to Dad and show you where he works. 'Stella goes up, pulls Mira and her.

 'Stella goes up, pulls Mira and her

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Stella Stella parks the Winkel bag together

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Stella Stella parks the Winkel bag together. She takes Mira and puts it in the baby seat. She takes her car key bag and baby. She goes to the car for me. Sit in and drive off. When she arrives at the guard, she puts Mira in the children's carriage. She takes the bag and locks the car. Stella walks in. Ben comes in and says, Hello, can I help you? Before Stella could answer. Hermann comes and screams, Stella omg you are her 'Hermann comes hugs Stella. Ben says who is that? ' Hermann says this is the wife and daughter of. Kelly Severide Stella this is Ben's substitute for Kelly 'Stella says, Stella Severide nice to get to know you' Ben says, Ben knows how to teach you nicely 'Hermann says. Stella come on, let's go to the others' Hermann pushes the stroller, they go into the kitchen. Alla laugh and clap and hug Stella. Gabby asks, when can I see Stella take 'Stella says where is Kelly?' Hermann says, in the boss's office I'll get him 'Hermann starts knocking on the boss's door and opens it. Boden says, Hermann what is? ' Hermann says we have a visit. 'Matt says by whom?' Hermann says, just come on. Hermann leaves Kelly weak and Boden follow behind. They arrive in the kitchen Stella is standing in the kitchen Kelly says, honey, what are you doing for her? ' Stella says the ceiling fell on our heads. Because of that we made a little out of flight 'Mira starts crying Kelly goes to him and says where is no girl's papa' Kelly takes Mira out of the stroller 'Matt says, look at that, it's not cute. Kelly has become a real soft 'Gabby says, and a very good dad' Mira is hungry stella puts a cloth over her breast and breastfeeds Mira. After the silent, Stella Mira Kelly. He cuddles with her and kisses her. Gabby asks, can I take it too, 'Stella says if Kelly gives you?' Kelly says, ok but not long 'Kelly gives Gabby Mira. Kelly goes to his wife, kisses her and takes her arm. Matt says, Stella how are you? ' Stella says, I'm really fine 'Hermann says, then come back soon' Stella says, I want my old body back first. And want to spend time with Mira. 'Brett says, with you man doesn't notice that you have only had a baby. Your stomach is flat you look awesome again 'Stella says, thank you, I don't like my body yet' Everyone will take Mira everyone will love her after 3 hours at the station, Stella and Mira say goodbye and go home. Lie on the sofa and cuddle. Author; I hope you enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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