Start from the beginning

I opened the side of my door when he grabbed my hand.
"Why aren't you talking to me?" He demanded.

I took a breath and turned towards him, "Because I don't want to." I gestured at his hand, "Leave, please."

He retraces his hand back, "I understand you might be upset.." he trailed off unsure what to say.

"Farhan," I cut him off, "I don't want to talk to you right now, I am really tired from yesterday."

"I know but.." he sighs, "You are right, you need to rest."

"Thank you," I mutter, opening the car door and stepping out, only to wince from the pain in my ankle.

I heard the car door opening and Farhan walking towards me, "Let me help you."

"No I am fine." I say holding my heels and my bag in one hand,

"If you don't rest, your pain will worsen, let me help you." He says as I slowly take a step, avoiding pressure on my right foot.

He tries to hold my arm but I step back,
"Julia can help me." I mumble and winced the next moment as I set my injured foot down.

"Alright, alright." He steps in front of me, "Stop walking, I will call her but don't walk on your own."

He grabs the intercom from beside the door and asks Julia to help me from the garage door.

"You're too stubborn." He mutters placing the intercom back.

I ignore him and lean against the wall, "It's my self respect." I mumble to myself.

The garage door opens and Julia steps in, "Are you okay Ayesha madam?"

"Yes, Julia. Just a little help." I reply and she immediately takes my bag from my hand and helps me step out of the garage.

"Make sure she rests, Julia." Farhan calls out before we step out, Julia and gives him a nod. "I will be in my office, give your madam her breakfast."

After watching me for ten minutes as I climb up the stairs with Julia's help, Farhan goes to his office and shuts the door.

"Should I give you some painkillers?" Julia asks helping me sit on the bed.

"Nothing." I sigh placing my heels down, "I just want to sleep."

"Alright, madam." Julia smiles picking up my heels and placing it in my wardrobe.

One of the many things I like about Julia, she doesn't asks questions, she does what is said to her.

"Thank you, Julia." I mumble sleepily removing my hijab and laying down, without bothering to change my dress.

"Your welcome." She says before stepping out of the room,

The warmth of my bed, my tired eyes and aching body demanded so much sleep, and I am adamant to do that.


"I really wished sometimes if I were a skilled legilimens, like dumbledore." Sakina's voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I was staring outside the window nothing in particular.

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