
"You better not be thinking of bringing him into this shithole legacy," he barked. Enough people got dragged into this crime-fighting business. Besides, they could do with a kid villain. It would be more fun than fighting adults all the time. Plus they'd actually get the jokes he was making. It got annoying explaining pop culture references and it totally ruined the punchline.

"I wasn't!" Tim defended.

"Good! Besides, it's my title now and he's not having it. Got that nerd?"

"Yes, street rat."



Dick wandered the halls looking for the butler when he heard talking. Talking that wasn't coming from the level of the house he was on. Or on the level above him. It was below him. He raised an eyebrow at that. He hadn't been told about a basement but he was sure that the noises were coming from somewhere like that. In fact, now that he thought about it, he'd heard noises below him all the time when he was on the ground floor. Like a whirring sound of machinery. He paused and knelt down, putting his ear to the floor. There was certainly something down there but even with his great hearing, he couldn't quite make out the voices. He didn't know what they were saying but it seemed like a normal conversation since no voices were being raised. "Master Dick, what're you doing on the floor?" Alfred asked with a chuckle. 

"I'm listening. Someone is under the floorboards," he answered. "And there's this other noise like whrrr or like vvvzzz." The older let out another low chuckle and bent down, holding out his hand. Dick took it and let himself be stood up. "Can't you hear it too?"

"No, although my hearing isn't what it used to be I very much doubt you're hearing voices let alone what sounds like some sort of construction site," Alfred told him. 

"But I'm sure of it."

"Young lad, I have lived in this house for many years and I can assure you what you're hearing is quite impossible," the butler told him. Dick sighed. He supposed he was right. After all, it could just be his hearing messing with him and the others never talked about sounds coming from below. It was probably just him. "I assume you're done with your English lesson for the day?" He nodded. "Good, just in time for hospital visiting hours." The Neko tilted his head to the side in confusion. What did hospital visiting hours have to do with anything? Then he realised and grinned brightly, already jumping up and down with excitement. "I thought you'd be excited. Master Bruce is just finishing up in the library but he'll be out in a moment. Why don't you go get your shoes on then we can get going right away once he's done?"

"Okay!" Dick exclaimed, running off. He didn't need to run everywhere but he certainly did anyway. It proved a real problem when Alfred waxed the floors but he learned pretty quickly to associate the smell with no running. They usually had to coax him down from the top of the cupboard when it was safe for him to run around like a madman. 

The entire car ride Dick was fidgeting like so tomorrow. He couldn't wait to see Selina in person. The screen was nice and all but it couldn't beat the real thing. He hoped she was being treated well in the hospital and that she wouldn't be in there for much longer. Living with her was so much fun and he couldn't wait for things to go back to normal. Well, not normal. Normal had been his life with his parents so he supposed it was the new normal and where he was now was the new new normal? That got too confusing. "Now you must stay close to me in the hospital Dick. It's very big and I don't want to lose you. Not to mention Selina will have my head if that happened," Bruce stated although he mumbled the last part. Dick giggled upon hearing it but nodded all the same. He'd be on his best behaviour for the next year if it meant he could spend some time with the woman he adored like family. Once his door was opened, he jumped out and raced over to Bruce's side. He impatiently waited for the billionaire to get out and thank his butler, rocking on his feet. Everyone was so slow when he wanted them to be fast. He would say for them to hurry up but he felt that'd be rude. Luckily, the older picked up on his impatience and sped his pace up as they entered the hospital. It was an immediate assault on the senses inside. People were talking, there were thousands upon thousands of beeps, and there were cries somewhere far off in the building. The shock of going from a quiet car to a busy ward was enough to make Dick jump. He grabbed onto the billionaire's hand for comfort but immediately released it when he felt the man tense underneath his grip.

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