Chapter 5

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Athena was ready to start her classes, she woke up early to make sure that she was on time for her first class of the year. After she got dressed Athena put on her robes and left the dormitory.

When she got to the common room she saw Fred and George waiting for her.

"Morning" said George with a grin.

"Ready to go eat?" Asked Fred.

"Yeah! Um. Where's Lee?" Athena said to the twins.

" Oh! He's asleep" Stated George.

"We tried to wake him up by dumping a bucket of water on him, but it didn't work" explained Fred.

They made their way to the great hall and sat at the Gryffindor table next to Charlie and Percy, Fred and George's brothers.

"You guys excited for your first day at Hogwarts?"asked Percy.

"Yeah!" they all said at the same time.

Just as Athena finished eating when Lee arrived, he looked like mess and he was soaked in water. Lee Sat down across from George and started to stuff his face with food while talking about something. They couldn't really understand him.

Athena decided to wait for her friend to finish eating. When Lee finished they all made their way to charms class. Professor Flitwick was waiting at the front of the class standing on a pile of books. He was a short man and he had small glasses on his nose. The first years learnt about the charm "lumos" and Athena preformed the spell right quite quickly.

After class they had a 10 minute break so Fred and George convinced Athena and Lee to help them prank their brother Percy. They went to the Gryffindor common room. They planned the prank under 2 minutes and while Athena was making the slime the boys went to Percy's dormitory and bewitched a bucket do flip over when someone sits on the bed. They placed the bucket on top of their brothers bed and went down to the common room to get the slime. Athena gave the slime to Fred.

Once they were done Athena, Lee, Fred and George ran to potions class. They weren't looking forward to this moment according to the twins Professor Snape was extremely rude and favors the Slytherins over all the other students.

After potions class all students made their way to the great hall for lunch. Lee went back to his dorm to get changed and clean up.

Most of the students where in the great hall eating, some were in their dorms just hanging around or in the library working but the first years didn't have any homework the first day. After lunch the wizards finished the rest of their classes and went to finish their homework before super.

While Athena was reading a new muggle book she brought from home Fred approached her and asked if she wanted to go for a walk with him and George. She said yes and walked with them. They went for a walk around the lake The twins were talking about how much their dad loved muggle inventions and that Athena should meet their family one day.

" Yeah sure! That would be awesome!" exclaimed Athena.

When they got back to the common room they saw Percy drenched in slime. Everyone was laughing including Athena.

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