𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞

Start from the beginning

Roman usually wants you as far away from his family, or, really, his mother, as possible. The least Olivia Godfrey knows about you, the better. You'd seen the small bruises around Roman's eyes that no one but you seems to notice, and based on his pissed-off rants, that's barely the tip of the iceberg of what Olivia was capable of when angered. So naturally you were surprised when Roman requested you come with him to the anniversary gala of the Institute's creation.

Now, watching the superficiality of the attendees from the entrance of the dining room, you think you understand. Roman is a terrible liar once you get to know him, and everyone in this room has a silver tongue. With you here, he has an excuse to evacuate a conversation if needed with a trusted face to fall back on.

You turn to watch him. An elbow rested on the large grey marble bar, Roman leans forward, a small smile across his face as he speaks with the bartender, a middle-aged woman with looks of a much younger woman. She neglects her other responsibilities and seems completely enrapt with his obviously (at least to you) forced charm. Even from across the room you can tell his intentions are.. Well, not innocent, but he has no interest in escalating the interaction. You wonder if he's bored, or stressed. The two aren't mutually exclusive for Roman. He says something. winks, and the bartender laughs. Time for you to step in.

No one notices you as you walk across the hall. In a room full of the wealthiest and most successful faces it's clear that you're an outsider, beneath their attention. It's doubtful any of them know who you are, or if they do, they know you're a girl living on her own, struggling month by month to pay her own rent.

You reach Roman and lightly put your hand on his shoulder, drawing his attention, "Why do you feel the need to flirt with every person you run into?"

He chuckles and hands you a drink from the bar. "It has its perks."

You can't argue with that. Although Roman is the wealthiest person you know, it's rare he ever has to pay for anything. He worms his way into free stuff constantly, making whoever is serving him feel like they got the better side of the deal even though they're not being paid. You hand the drink back to him.

"I'm underage, Roman. And driving."

"Not a problem. You're not going home tonight."

"As enticing as that is, you're already trying your luck just by bringing me here. You said things had smoothed out with your mom recently. Let's keep it that way." Sometimes you have to be Roman's brain for him. As smart as he is, he tends to skip a few steps ahead and forget what comes before.

Before he can think of a response, his mother sidles up on the other side of him. Speak of the devil. You quickly remove your hand from Roman's shoulder and grab the drink from his hand, taking a quick chug before setting it down on the counter infront of you. Nevermind driving, if you're dealing with more than one Godfrey you'd like to be at least a little bit tipsy.

Olivia eyes you for a moment. You meet her cool gaze and she breaks the contact quickly. Hopefully she doesn't realize you're anything more than an acquaintance of Roman's.

"It's going rather well, for being so last minute. Thank heavens Norman has such an eye for decoration, or this would've been quite the laughable afair," Olivia signals the bartender, who apparently already knows what drink she's about to order, for the drink is handed to her immediately, like the bartender had prepared before Olivia ever walked up. "This isn't so boring like you thought, now is it dear?"

𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐲, imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now