Project Ace

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The tattering of pencils rang through the classroom as echoes of the footsteps creating by the teacher roamed the halls. The students heads were down and doing their tests, all expect one. Barry Allen was lying the side of his head on the table being half asleep while looking at the face of his closest childhood friend. He lifted his head and peered over at her test.

"Mr. Allen, is there something interesting about Ms. Danvers' test sheet?" Dr Harrison Wells asked impatiently

"N-Not at all sir." Barry said quick to cover up his actions earning a few laughs from around the room. Dr Wells let out a sigh and rubbed his temples

"That's pencils down and hand your tests forward, once you've handed in your tests you may leave." Dr Wells said as everyone passed their tests forwards and slowly funnelled out of the class. 

Unlike other schools Barry's wasn't a typical high school, It was a high school funded by and run by STAR Labs in hopes of creating an army, it was called 'Trinity School'. In this high school students don't leave campus they live their in dorms of four people. Lockers lined the walls and windows were radiating with sunlight.

"Barry!!" He heard his name being called by his best friend

"Hey Kara." Barry smiled

"Man, you gotta stop cheating off my tests." Kara complained

"It was only a little peek and i finished way before you did anyway." Barry chuckled

"Dr Wells is going to kill you one day." Kara laughed holding her books close to her chest. They walked into the school's cafeteria and sat at one of the tables.

"No he won't it may not look like it but i'm his favourite student." Barry smiled

"Couldn't be more wrong." Another voice chimed in. This time it was another one of Barry's close friends

"Thank you Oliver." Kara exasperated

"Sheesh what's this noise about?" Yet another voice joined in. A voice that Barry would recognise anywhere

"Hey Twinkle." Barry teased earning a slap up the head

"Call me 'Twinkle' one more time." Maddison Peters said annoyed holding her hands on her hips

"Sorry, sorry." Barry laughed as Maddison put her books on the table. Ever since they were kids Barry, Kara, Oliver and Maddison have been best friends and act like family, but Barry didn't know that Kara had developed feelings for him over the years together. Oliver knows, Maddison knows, hell even Dr Wells knows, everyone knows........except Barry.

"I'll go get food, what do you want?" Kara said

"I'll just have an apple." Barry smiled as Kara nodded and wondered off

"Why is she here, she doesn't belong here...........why did you stay Kara?" Barry thought sadly.

"What'cha thinking about?" Maddison asked putting her chin in her palm.

"Project Ace........." Barry said as Oliver and Maddison lost their smiles, "Do you guys really think that Project Ace can end the war?" He asked. No one at the STAR Labs school knows what Project Ace is expect for a few scientists and Dr Wells.

"I'm not sure." Maddison sighed running her hands through her hair

"This entire war is stupid, we're not even fighting for freedom or for the sake of the world. This war is to determine which country is the most powerful. Nothing more, nothing less." Oliver said bitterly.

*   *   *

"Dr Wells, with all due respect we need to start on human experimentation." Dr Carla Snow said, "If we don't do it soon, STAR Labs and this school are going to be destroyed and everything we've worked for, for the past decade will be for nothing." She continued to urge

"They're not ready." Dr Wells said staring at a rat in a glass cage, "How did the tests go?" He asked

"The first test was a success, but we noticed that the rat injected witht he serum had violent tendencies." Carla said showing Dr Wells a clipboard, "Should i adjust the serum or dosage?" She asked

"No........this is perfect." Dr Wells said as a smiled grew onto his face.

"Dr Wells what do you mean by your kids aren't ready?" Carla asked curiously

"They lack the will to do what it takes. They want to become a different type of army, an army that doesn't rely on killing." Dr Wells said plainly, "But we all know in this world, that's a load of bull." He said walking out of the lab.

As Dr Wells was walking down the echoing halls he recalled the children he watched grow ever since arriving at Trinity


"Welcome your new friend, Barry Allen." Dr Wells smiled as he held the hand of a boy who appeared around six.

"Hi Barry." A small blonde girl with piercing blue eyes waved

"Barry, this is Kara, Oliver and Maddison . They're going to be your friends from now on." Dr Wells smiled

"Barry play with me." Maddison smiled tugging on Barry's arm

"Okay." He smiled as Dr Wells chuckled and watched as these four kids grew up in front of his eyes. He didn't care for them as a parental figure, only because these four children are compatible with Project Ace, and they're going to change the tide of the war.

--End of Flashack--

Dr Wells walked around the corner and opened the door into his office to find an unexpected guest.

"General Elling how are you today?" Dr Wells said smiling

"Hello Harrison, i've come by to check on Project Ace." Elling said

"It's coming along quite well, in a few months they'll be good to go." Dr Wells smiled

"We don't have a few months, we've gotten intel that STAR Labs is going to be under attack in three days, unless you want to live i suggest you hurry up with Project Ace." Elling snapped

"The serum isn't ready, if we use it now the subjects will become uncontrollable." Dr Wells shot back

"Figure it out then." Elling said getting up and leaving the room. Dr Wells ran his hands through his hair and sighed.

Project Ace, an idea proposed to the military by STAR Labs which involved four test subjects being experimented on by dark matter in order to create 'meta-humans'. Barry Allen, Kara Danvers, Oliver Queen and Maddison Peters, are these four test subjects

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