Yule ball (part two)

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Putting the last touch of my makeup on, I hear a quick knock on the door before draco comes barging in.

"Draco, what if I was getting dressed!?" I exclaimed

"Well it's 7:01 and I did say be ready by—" he pauses and just looks me up and down at first I was tempted to turn around and say charming or something. But as he saw the look in my face he quickly replied with.

"Oh no I'm not judging you I just was just stunned by how beautiful you looked"
I blush trying to hid how embarrassed I was. I quickly grabbed my stuff and we headed to the ball. As we got closer and more people were around. I expected Draco to walk away or just ignore me but instead he grabbed my hand. I look down then up at him but he was just looking straight forward as if it was completely normal for us to hold hands.

In the distance I saw Pansy who was clearly very proud of herself when we walked in together holding hands. I head over to where they were standing and Draco walk off to get a drink.

"You know I said as friends right? You two seem to really be hitting it off" Pansy said

"I thought we were but he just started to hold my hand out of the blue. Bloody hell he even said I looked stunning!" I reply.
"Well you don't seem to be complaining, do you?" Pansy spoke, all smug.

Draco comes over with two cups and hands one to me. But as I go for a drink a slow song comes in and Pansy takes our drinks and pushes us into the middle of the room. It would be too awkward to just walk away now, so hand in hand we sway along to the music. I was shorter than him so my head was basically laying on his shoulder but he didn't seem to mind.

About an hour goes by of me and Draco dancing, eating and basically just having funny smiles plastered across both our faces. We decided to go look around for Pansy which took half an hour, and when we did we found her sobbing in a corner. I ask her what was wrong but she just looked up at us and carried on crying.

Finally she tells us what was wrong. Her date had walked off and then left with another girl, abandoning her. I sit down beside her and she lays on my arm. Draco who was stood awkwardly slowly edges his was out because he was clearly uncomfortable with the situation. After she settled down, me and Pansy headed back to our rooms.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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