Yull ball (part one)

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Today was the day of the Yule ball and everyone was so excited. Personally, I didn't see why and wasn't really bothered if I went or not. But for some reason Pansy thought it was her mission to find me a date.

It was lunch time and I would have thought her plans would have blown over but no. Every six seconds asking me 'what about him' and, 'look he seems nice'. And each time she would get the same answer from me: No.

"Pansy why don't you just give up, everyone has a date and I'm probably not even going to go" I said.

"Fine whatever but your still going to the ball. Draco, you coming?" Pansy asked.

"I don't have a date so no" draco replied.

I saw a light in her eyes when she heard that and just knew what she was thinking. She looks at me and smiles. I just huff and roll my eyes but that doesn't stop her.

"Well if you both don't have a date, you should go together. Even if it is just as friends, don't be loners" she says.

Draco looks at me.

"Why not? I mean if I get bored of you I could just go somewhere else" he says sarcastically.

"Bored of me? Are you serious? Have you met yourself?" I say.

Looking at each other and smirking I can see Pansy in the corner of my eye, pretty much fan girling over us.

Everyone heads off to each of our classes and as I was about to turn the corner I could hear someone shouting my name from the end of the corridor. I turn to look and then shout back

"What malfoy".

"I'll swing by your room at 7, be ready!" he shouts back.

I nod slightly and carry on walking to my next class. On the way loads of people we staring at me and I had no idea why until Hermione stopped me.

"You're going to the Yule ball with Draco?" She asked

"Yes, as friends, why?" I reply

"Friends, I see, I guess it can't be that bad then. Well I must get to my next class, bye!" she said basically talking to herself.

But what did she mean that can't be that bad. I had been at this school for months now and I still don't get why everyone is quieter around him, takes different routes to stay away from him. I don't know whether to feel bad for the boy or get the hell away from him.

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