End of term feast

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About a month had passed and I hadn't really thought back to that night until now. For the past month draco has been nowhere to be see, nowhere to be heard. I go to sit down next to pansy, when opposite her sat draco.

Awkwardly, I sit down with me and Draco just glancing back and forth at each other. Pansy clearly sees the tension and breaks the ice.
"So are you guys going home?" She asks. One by one people reply all saying yes until she turns to me.
"Er no I'm staying here" I reply. Then she turns to Draco
"No I'm staying too".
"Great! you to can work things out then" Pansy says with a satisfied look. I turn to her to give her a annoyed glare but she just smiles back at me.

We finish up our food when Dumbledore stands up making the whole hall go silent. "Now to announce the winner of the House Cup!" He shouted. After a few moments of silence the flags fall down and people cheer.
"Grifindor!" he boomed. The whole of sylithern was booing but malfoy looked the most annoyed.  He glared straight at Harry Potter, not taking his eyes off him.

Later that day, most people had left and gone back to their families. I decided to not go home because, well, my home life was a bit complicated. As I sit in the common room reading my book a voice from behind asks
"What ya reading?". I instantly recognised the voice. I turn around and he is stood there all shy as I tell him the title and continue reading. But this time he came and sat on the chair opposite and grabbed a book.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see him watching me.
"You know something" I say, not looking up from my book

"What" he replies, giving a sly grin

"I didn't know you could read upside down" I smirked

He looks down as his smile quickly disappears and sees his mistake. All embarrassed, he gets up and heads to his room. As he walks away I can't help but snigger under my breath. Hearing me Draco looks back and smiles, then carries on walking.

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