Forever And Always. // Kelley O'Hara

Start from the beginning

"I love you too, Harlow. More than you will ever know." I lean forward and kiss her gently on the lips.

"there's actually something I wanted to say to you." she tells me pulling away from the kiss.

"okay? Should I be scared or?" I ask confused.

"no babe, definitely not. I just wanted to say that you mean the world to me, we've only been dating for a little over a year but I feel like it's been so much longer you know? you know me better than anyone ever has, sometimes I even think you know me better than I know myself. that day I first walked into camp and laid eyes on you I knew you were someone special, the way you looked back at me and gave me that sweet smile, I knew I was in trouble. meeting you and falling in love with you was the best thing that ever happened to me, I want you forever, I want to be with you always, through the good things, the bad things, all of it. I want to grow old with you, I love you, Kel. more than anything in this whole world. you are everything to me and I just want to know one thing."

I look down with a big smile on my face, I see Harlow move her hands behind her back, she grabs something and pulls them back around, I lay my eyes on it and gasp.

"Kelley O'Hara, the love of my life, my whole world. will you please make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?" I cover my mouth as tears start to fall from my eyes.

"yes, yes. of course." I whisper, a huge smile forming on my face.

Harlow smiles wide and pulls the ring out of the box slipping it onto my fingers, she pulls my face closer to hers and kisses me deeply.

"I love you, so much." I whisper against her lips.

"I love you too Kel." she replies with a smile.


suddenly I'm pulling up at the hospital, I turn the car off and run to the entrance walking through the doors.

"hi, I'm Kelley O'Hara, I'm here for Harlow Brooks." I tell the lady at the front desk.

"of course, please follow me." she gets up and starts to walk down the hall.

the lady is leading me down so many halls, they never seem to end. she's telling me what happened, but I'm not really listening. I just want to see my girl.

finally we arrive at her room, I try to keep my emotions in, preparing for what might be behind the doors.

I open the door and walk into the room, my eyes fill up with tears as I see my beautiful girlfriend just lying there. I walk over to her bed and sit down, I grab her hand and hold it tightly.

"hey babe, what are you doing here? we're supposed to be sitting at home planning our wedding and our future, our first house, our first kid, or kids. all the good things we have to look forward to." I tell her, not even sure if she can hear me.

"we're going to go grow old together remember? just me and you, together forever and always." I continue talking.

I feel my hand being squeezed gently and I look up, I see Harlow's eyes slightly open and she has a little smile on her face.

I stand up and move closer to her, I gently kiss her head and look deep into her eyes.

"hey babe, how are you feeling?" I ask her quietly.

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