jealousy part two // Kelley O'Hara

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it's been two months since Kelley and I made up. unfortunately we both returned to our clubs after two weeks at camp which means we don't get to see each other for a while.

I've just arrived home from training and I'm about to sit down on the couch when my phone starts to ring.

I pull it out of my pocket and smile as Kelley's name lights up the screen, I press answer and wait for the call to connect.

"hey beautiful." I say as soon as I see her face.

"hey Ari, how are you?" she asks with a smile.

"I'm good baby, I just got in from training. How are you? I miss you so much." I reply.

"I miss you too. I'm good, I didn't train much today I've had some pain with my ankle so I've just been relaxing a bit." she tells me.

"again? You need to get that checked properly Kels, it's always giving you bother." I say as I lay back against the couch.

"I know and I will as soon as the season is over. I don't want to risk not playing." she replies.

"Kel, you could risk not playing for longer if you damage it more." I say running my fingers through my hair.

"I'll be okay babe, I promise." she says with a small smile.

"just take it easy." I tell her.

"I will. anyway, how much longer until I get to see you? I miss my Ari cuddles." she says, pushing her bottom lip out and pouting.

"not long now baby, I have some time off next week so I can come and see you then." I reply.

as she's talking back to me I quickly take a screenshot of our call, I close the facetime app and open up instagram.

"babe, where have you gone? I can't see you." I hear Kelley say.

"hold on Kels, I'm just doing something." I tell her.

once instagram loads I click the post button and click the facetime picture, I click the next button and start writing a caption.

once I've written the caption I click post with a smile on my face.

once I've written the caption I click post with a smile on my face

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I open up the facetime app and see Kelley's face.

"baby check instagram." I say.

"okay, one sec." she replies as her camera goes off.

I can hear her clicking on her phone, I still have the smile on my face, finally feeling comfortable with sharing our relationship.

I hear Kelley gasp and her camera switches back on.

"Ari, you really did that?" she asks with a huge smile on her face.

"of course, I want the world to know that I'm yours and how in love with you I am." I tell her.

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