Ch. 18 |New Avenger?|

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Tony soon walked into the living room where Nick was waiting. Friday must have told him he was here. Peter sat up on the counter and just watched eating his toast, knowing there was going to be an argument.

"Why was I not told that your son is SpiderMan?" Nick asked, as soon as Tony walked in the room.

"I just didn't want anything to happen to him. I didn't want you kidnapping him and doing experiments or whatever on him."

"Where did his powers come from?"

"I don't know. He's had them since I adopted him," Tony said as Peter took another bite out his toast causing everyone in the room to look at him.

"Sorry," he said after swallowing what he was eating.

"How about you go to your room, let me talk to Fury?"

"Yeah, okay," Peter said as he jumped off the counter and walked up the stairs.

He knew they had moved since he couldn't hear them. He sighed and lay down on his still unmade bed.

Peter soon heard his phone begin ringing again, he knew it would be Ned. He also knew he couldn't avoid him forever.

He sat up, picked his phone up and answered. "Hey Ned."

"Hey, how's your first day of suspension? Got any plans?" Ned asked with a smile, Peter could hear it in his voice.

"Maybe training with Natasha but I don't know."

"Alright cool."

"Is that all you called to ask about? Or was it about what was on the news yesterday?"

"I saw it on Flash's page first, but my mom called me down she knows we're friends. it true? Are you SpiderMan?"

"Yeah. I am."


"I thought you'd get mad or something. Because I didn't tell you."

"Dude. Your a superhero, why would I get mad at you?"

"I don't know. You really don't hate me?"

"No, I don't hate you."

Peter spoke with Ned for a little longer until Ned had to leave for his first class. Peter just sat on his bed and looked through the news about him.

Peter soon snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door. "Come in," he said as he looked at his phone, it had been about two hours since he got off the phone with Ned.

"Hey kiddo," Tony said as he sat down on Peter's bed. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. People are saying it isn't surprising that Ironman's kid became a vigilante. I feel like I still would have become SpiderMan if you weren't my dad."

"That's good. How do you feel about everyone knowing who you are?"

"I don't know. It's weird."

"You never thought anyone would figure out who you were?"

"Pretty much. What did Fury say?"

"Now that people know who you are, he wants you to become an Avenger."

"You said I wasn't allowed to join until I finished high school."

"He made it clear that you had to choose between being an Avenger and being a vigilante."

"What if I choose to be a vigilante?"

"The police and shield are both trying to get rid of vigilantes. And only have the Avengers."

"So they'll arrest me?"

"Probably. And they know who you are now so it'll be easier for them. They'd arrest you just to make a point to other vigilantes."

"I guess I have to be an avenger then," Peter sighed.

"We'll set something up, get the press and journalists, so we introduce the world to the newest member of the avengers."

"Do we have to?"

"Yeah," Tony said causing Peter to sigh again. "I'll let you know when it's set up."

Peter watched as his dad stood up and began walking towards the door. "I'm only doing this because I know you'll do something stupid if I get arrested. And probably end up in the cell next to me."

"Yeah that doesn't surprise me kiddo," Tony smiled as he closed the door.

Peter was again left alone with his thoughts. He wanted to talk to Ned but he knew he couldn't. He knew he was in class.

So he decided to go to the training room, he changed out his pyjamas. Into what he usually wore when he trained, though he wore long sleeves instead of his usual t-shirt.

He left his room, going the long way to avoid Fury who didn't seem too happy with him when he saw him earlier.

He walked in the training room to see Natasha and Steve.

"Hey Pete," Nat said with a smile. She picked up on the fact he was wearing long sleeves this time but didn't say anything. "You wanna train with me or Steve?"

"Uhh," he looked between her and Steve, he remembered the conversation yesterday. "You," he said walking over to Natasha.

"Ha. Looks like I'm the favourite," she told Steve with a smile.

"You've always been my favourite," Peter joked getting a sigh from Steve.

"Seriously?" He asked.

"No. Clint's my favourite," he said with a smile, the two knew he was joking the whole time, they knew he didn't have a favourite.

Natasha just smiled as she got ready to train.

"I'll see you guys later, I'm gonna go for a run," Steve said as he began walking towards the door. "And Pete. I'm sorry about yesterday."

"It's fine," he said as he sat down on the bench and had a drink. He watched as Steve walked out the door and Natasha walked over and sat next to him.

"What's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your not wearing your 'Avenger in training' t-shirt. You love that thing. And your fighting with more anger today."

"Apparently the police and Fury are trying to get rid of vigilantes. Which means I have to become an Avenger or stop being SpiderMan."

"You've always wanted to be an Avenger Peter. We've always said when your ready we're happy to have you on the team."

"That's it. I'm..I'm not ready. But I have to be. Or I have to give up SpiderMan."

"And you don't want to do that?"

"No I don't."

"They've been trying to get rid of vigilantes for years. You should be fine and when your ready you can join us then."

"Dad said because they know who I am now they'll arrest me just to make a point."

"Well that sucks. We'll figure something out Pete."

"Dads setting up a ceremony to introduce me as the newest avenger."

"You already said yes?"

"I can't stop being SpiderMan and I'll probably still do the same as before. Just...I'll be in some fancy group."

"Yeah because that's exactly what we are," she said with a smile. "But that's a good idea. Be an avenger but keep being you."

"Will the others be okay with that?"

"I'll make sure they are."

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