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This a formal way of showing appreciation and respect for the person(s) who inspired me to write this book.

I want to dedicate this entire book to my late grandad.

I just hope; grandad, that when you look down at me from your place of rest that you will never have any reason to be disappointed in the person that I have become. I will never forget all that you did for me as a young girl and all the values you instilled into me. Although you have gone to be with the lord, your memory lives on, not only in my heart but in the heart of all the many people whose lives you so greatly impacted with your never-ending wisdom, kindness, and generosity.

I am so glad to have come into the world with someone like you to teach me the right things in life and I'm dedicating this book to you because you gave me my voice. You taught me that the best thing I could ever do or the world is to be myself and let them love me (or better yet, hate me). You strengthened me, you molded me into what I've become and you reminded me with every single day that passed that I could do big things with my wild imagination.

You taught me not to live with regrets but I just wish I hadn't waited until you were gone to finally put all that you taught me into practice.

Love you always,

Your little chatterbox.

My grandfather is the reason I am who I am today and no matter how young anyone might consider me to be, it is because of his presence in my life that I became the person I can look at in the mirror and not feel ashamed of.

Best of luck reading and have a lovely day/night (whichever one suits your timezone).

❤️ May.

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