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Bakugou was launched into the air thanks to his explosions towards Midoryia who was also in the air thanks to Ochako. Tokoyami's quirk,DarkShadow, deflected the attack Bakugou was attempting. Bakugou was thrown back towards the ground,but Sero quickly catches him using his tape to bring him back.

Kirishima:woah nice catch!

Eddie:what's up Bakugou!

They jumped, quickly turning around only for their bands to get snatched away from them.

Bakugou:what the!?

Eddie:later Bakugou!

Eddie chuckled as they ran off.

Bakugou: damnit,after them!

Kirishima,Sero,and Mina run at them but they were too fast. Bakugou uses his explosions to boost them.

Yosetsu: incoming!


Eddie quickly turned his arm towards them and creates a shield from Venom. Bakugou sent an explosion into Eddie's shield slightly damaging it. Venom quickly reforms the shield.

Eddie:‘you good V’

Venom:‘though his explosions are made up of fire,it's mostly made up of force. So yeah, nothing we can't handle’

Eddie: keep running!

The trio kept running with Eddie holding his shield behind them. Bakugou's squad didn't give up though and followed them.

Mina:take this!

Mina pulled out her right arm and threw some acid at the sleek black shield. Now this affectively damaged the shield.


Mina:hey that actually worked!

Bakugou: whenever he pulls something off,you use your quirk.

Mina:got it!

Eddie:damnit,any ideas people?

Yosetsu:I can try attaching them to the ground again.

Tetsutetsu:we can all turn metal so there attacks are less strong.

Eddie:we can't all turn metal idiot!

Tetsutetsu:oh right.

Eddie:any ideas Barney?

Shinso thinks for a sec.

Shinso:I need to be close enough.

Eddie: alright slow down.

BakuSquad notice this.

Aero:um,why are they slowing down?

Bakugou:it must be some sort of trap,forget about them. We're going back to Dek-


Bakugou's attention moved back to them with a face some people wouldn't want to see if they'd hang out with him.

Shinso:what was it you said...“I'm gonna win”? But you didn't lose not just one but 2 games? What a clown.

Shinso smiled as the others chuckled.

Bakugou:what the hell did you say to me!!!

Suddenly, Bakugou froze and had an emotionless look on his face. His teammates looked up at him worried.

Kaminari:uh Bakugou you good?

Shinso:‘use your quirk around you’

Bakugou then started to blow explosions into the air. Throwing his teammates off.

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