"Wonho-hyung, will his feeling ever pass?" Hyungwon asked. Wonho had to smile a little, amused by the fact that even Hyungwon didn't know everything and sad, because no, this feeling never passed. No matter how many cases they would solve, each case would feel like the first and each time he would wonder if it had been hard and suffocating like this the last time, too?

"Never. And if it does then it's probably only a sign that we, too, have turned into psychopaths." Hyungwon grimaced. "Don't worry. I know that you're too strong to ever let this happen to you. If you feel sympathy for the victims and hatred for the culprits then it's only a proof for your big and kind heart."

"We're looking for a man in his late twenties to early thirties." Kihyun started when their whole team was standing in front of the local police officers, briefing them about the victimology of their child abductor and murderer. „He is intelligent, physically fit, and very careful. His behavior comes close to an obsessive-compulsive disorder."

The police officers were all completely focused on them, noting down that the team was telling them about the culprit. It was obvious that everyone was tensed. They all wanted to find this bastard who had kidnapped little children and killed their parents as fast as they could. Murder cases were already pretty rare in South Korea, but murder cases that also involved innocent children were always the most exhausting and frustrating ones for everyone.

„We believe that the unsub kidnaps eight year old girls to look for a new home for them." Wonho continued. Of course, he felt the same way as everyone else. All crimes were bad, but at those times, he felt like the work they were doing was as double as important. "This particular tendency tells us a lot about him. We assume that the unsub himself was negatively influenced by the adoption system. He most likely was adopted as well, when he was a child."

"According to the latest census, sixteen percent of the known serial killers were adopted." Hyungwon said. When they had updated each other and discussed the final details beforehand, Kihyun had asked Hyungwon to participate in the presentation of the profile. He was still new, but now part of the team and as part of the team this was one of his tasks. But Wonho knew that Kihyun also wanted to reward the other's hard work and support him. It had been Hyungwon after all who had found the essence of the unsub's motivation, while none of the others had even thought about it.

Wonho felt proud that this talented and blessed man was his boyfriend and to say that Hyungwon looked absolutely stunning, when he was concentrated and focus while wearing the tight fitting black button shirt and dark jeans would have been an understatement.

"But given his sympathy for Kang Chaeyeon, we think it is more likely that he himself put a child up for adoption." Shownu's loud voice pulled Wonho's attention away from Hyungwon and back to the cruel reality.

"He probably believes that his daughter was harmed by her adoptive parents." Jooheon added.

"He was well informed about Kang Chaeyeon and Lee Hyewon. We assume that the unsub probably works somewhere in the adaptation system. So, we should check that pool of suspects first."

"If the unsub sticks to his mission-oriented plan, then he will probably look for a new home for Lee Hyewon, too." Was Hyungwon's turn again. "And if we can determine which friend, relative or stranger he chooses then we can forestall him."

"The media may only be supplied with information authorized by us." Kihyun's voiced sounded a lot sharper than the others did, but this was important.

"So the unsub is not warned in advance." Hyungwon explained when they were met with questioning glazes from the police officers. South Korea's habit of letting news spread fast was a bless and a curse at the same time. "Like for example the Green River Killer back then, who saw the news and then changed his modus operandi and the investigation was thrown back weeks."

The Green River Killer was an American serial killer, who confessed the murder of 48 women, with another one being officially blamed on him, making it 49 cases in total. However, the dark number of unknown murders done by him had to be far higher. The Green River Killer put his arm around the necks of his victims from behind and choked them to death after raping them. He then raped their corpses again.

"In order to save Lee Hyewon and arrest the unsub, we have to make sure that he sticks to his original plan."

After the media had revealed details about the Green River Killer given to them by the police due to high pressure from the general public, the Killer changed his methods. The police had to re-start their whole investigation, believing that the Green River Killer had stopped and that the new appearing murder cases were not related.

"Thank you to everyone." Kihyun said, ending their briefing. The police chief of the department stepped in front to instruct his officers on what to do next with the newly received information.

„Everything alright?" Shownu asked when he realized that Kihyun was suddenly smiling at his phone.

"Better than alright" the other answered. "Kang Chaeyeon has woken up."

1496 words.

범죄 (Crime) Part.IIWhere stories live. Discover now