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A sigh left Wonho's lips as he entered the room of the missing Kang Chaeyeon. The walls of her room were painted in a light blue with white colored furniture. It was a perfect room for a child and showed how much the parents cared for their daughter. Wonho wished he would have had a room like this when he was a child.

He walked up to the bed with flower-print bed sheets and kneeled down right next to where the police had placed a small, yellow sign with a '5', marking the place where Kang Chaeyeon had hid under her bed.

He grabbed his flashlight and turned it on to lighten up the darkness underneath the bed. His light revealed a scratch mark in the light dust. The drag mark was from Kang Chaeyeon's small hands when she tried to somehow hold on to the floor while being pulled out from under the bed by her feet. Her scared screams were ringing in his ears as if she was still right there.

When he straightened up, his eyes fell on a picture frame placed next to her bed. It was a picture of the family. All three of them smiling happily into the camera, the balloons in the background hinting that it had to be at some kind of party.

No matter how much time passed or how many cases they were solving, Wonho knew that he would never be able to understand why the worst crimes always happened to happy families like this one. He would understand if bad things happened to bad people like the ones he had known growing up, but this just didn't make any sense.

„Hey, Wonho" Shownu's voice pulled Wonho out of his thoughts. „I need you here." Wonho quickly set down the picture he hadn't noticed he had picked up and followed Shownu into the bedroom of the parents. The white bed sheets were covered with deep red stains.

„So I've looked at the rest of the house. Something was definitely not right here. Minhyuk told me that Kim Bora had some issues. Money problems, specifically." He walked to the door right next to the bed and opened it. „She couldn't stop clicking on the 'place order now' button."

Behind the door hid a surprisingly huge wardrobe, completely filled by clothes, shoes and accessories. Wonho noticed how many of the clothes still had the price tags attached and looked unworn.

„Oniomania" he stated as he started to look through the clothes. Wonho wouldn't deny that he, too, was very interested in fashion and different styles, but his own collection of clothes looked pathetic against this collection. „She suffered from an impulsive shopping disorder." He pulled out a wine red colored dress. „This dress alone is worth half my salary."

„Well, we considered that the father might have had enemies." Shownu said, kicking one of the many stacks of clothes on the floor. „But maybe it's the mother. Maybe Kang Chaeyeon got kidnapped because of her."

„Yeah, maybe." But Wonho didn't agree with Shownu. „But we're still hitting the same wall. Do you really kidnap a child because of this?" he asked, pointing at the clothes.

„I think that depends on how bad their debt was." He looked around the room and crossed his arms in front of his chest."Just how bad was it?"

„Ok, guys, I have new information for all of you." Changkyun said as soon as the phone conference to his team members started. He was normally the one staying behind in his small digital universe to provide them with researches, date and information. He was the most helpful like this and he was quite thankful that he didn't had to see real corpses or hunt down murderers with a gun in his hands.

„The wife Kim Bora certainly did have a problem. I don't know when she had time to eat. Or money to eat." On his laptop screen were many shot of the different finances of the family. „This Valentino Garavani shoes alone- Holy Cannoli! Definitely not cheap at all."

범죄 (Crime) Part.IINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ