Chapter Three

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It was two in the morning when Carrie drove up to the school to meet all the students and teachers for the ski trip.
Tucking her newly chopped blonde hair into her red scarf and long tan coat, Carrie stepped out of her car and turned round to collect her suitcase.
"Need some help?" asked a voice from behind her.
She turned around to see Will standing there in his big navy ski jacket and hat.
Carrie hit her lip, smiling before pulling him in for a hug.
"how are you?" she asked, enjoying the heat of his body close to his before he took her suitcase.
"excited to get out of here!" he told her, walking her over to the bus, through the small crowd of students and their parents.
Carrie looked up at him expectantly, "you okay?"
Will wrapped his arm around her shoulders, "yeah. I'll be alright. How about you?"
Carrie's eyes widened in confusion, why are you being so touchy-freely this is so weird.
"yeah.. I'm good. Umm.. Sorry-"
As much as she enjoyed his arm around her, this just wasn't right, he was being too friendly.
"are you drunk?" she asked him quietly.
"yeah.. But I'm.. Nearly sober." he said.
"fuck." she whispered, eyeing him up to walk around the bus with him. "Will what were you thinking!?"
He started shaking his head, his eyes felt so broken, Carrie immediately saw how fragile he was.
"okay, okay. I've got you." she hugged him, he kissed her cheek.
"Here." she pulled away, taking her flask of coffee and handed it to him. "try and sober up. Then let's talk about it on the bus. Stay away from the kids till then."
"thank you." he replied, letting her walk around and greet the kids, who were mainly seniors.

"me and Mollie are back together." explained Will, leaning against the window of the bus.
Carrie sighed, looking down, "and how do you feel about that?" she asked him.
"I didn't tell her."
"tell her what?"
"about us."
Carrie ran a hand through her hair, "Will, now you're the one in the wrong! Why didnt you?"
"She just spent all the time explaining herself, and she kept saying that she knew I wouldn't have done that to her, and then we just started kissing and-"
Carrie covered her face, breathing in and out.
"Carrie I know it sounds dodgy-"
"you are so pathetic! You were too proud to just own up to the fact that you cheated too."
"say what you want, but we're having a baby together. My child needs to grow up with two parents that love eachother." explained Will, his eyes puffy with fatigue and drunkeness.
"I'd rather have two divorced parents than an alcoholic dad and a prostitute mother." muttered Carrie, before realising what she had said. "God.. I'm sorry. Get some sleep."

By the time Carrie woke up they were already in Scotland.
She looked around to see that Will was chatting with some of his physics students. He seemed better now, it was 8am, they had been sleeping for almost five hours and Terry was still asleep in the front seat.
"Miss Grey?" called a voice, she turned around to see that it was Charlotte.
"yes?" she replied, turning around in her seat.
"what really is snow?"
"rain but cold." she replied, turning back around to face the front again, she could hear Will give a slight laugh.
I'm never not going to love you, am I? No matter how much of an asshole you are, I'm never going to stop loving you.

"can you ski?" asked Charlotte, sitting behind Will.
"yeah, you?" he asked, running his hands through his slightly curly hair.
"yeah a little bit, it's been a while though." she explained, looking to her friends.
"Ive literally only seen snow once. So no, I've not skied before." said Rosie, feeling annoyed that everyone else was wealthy enough to go on these trips with their families.
"what about you Andrew?" asked Jade, another ski novice.
"oh yeah, me and Matthew went last year in Italy." replied Andrew.
"really?" asked Ronnie, the year ten who somehow got into this conversation with the eighteen year olds.
"what about you, Ronnie?" asked Will, wanting to include the twelve year old who looked no older than seven.
"you'll see." he teased, making the others laugh.
"okay then!" replied Will, hearing his phone ring, he frowned when he saw that it was Mollie. "excuse me, guys."

"where are you?" asked his wife, she sounded tired, her voice cracked like the ice that had frozen mid-drop on the roofs of the houses that they drove past.
"hey, Molls. I'm on a school trip, I'll be back on Friday." explained Will, slouching down in an unoccupied seat near the front.
"didn't you wanna tell me?" she groaned, but she didn't seem angry, just tired, "nevermind. I'll see you on Friday then. Have a good time."
"thank you." will replied, feeling uneasy.
They hung up without saying I love you. Not that they usually said that in phonecalls, but it was as if they barely knew each other at all.

Charlotte remained at the back of the bus playing music through her speaker loudly and making everyone sing along.
Will just wished for everything to stop for a while. He was beginning to feel awful for going on this school trip, leaving his pregnant wife.. Leaving her to go on a trip with the girl he cheated on her for.
He leaned his head against the window, watching the snowy landscape outside drift by, wanting to disappear into that snow. Wanting to be lost, uncontactable, and just completely hidden and untraceable for some time while he sorted his life out.

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