9 Remembering (part 2)

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Okay guys so things are gonna be a bit different for the rest of the story to help make it look better. So here is how things are gonna work.

"Sample" = you or another chareter speaking.

Sample = unknown chareter speaking.

(Sample) = A/N.

'Sample' = you're thoughts.

~sample~ = time skips ect.

1st = well I don't really know how to explain it but when I am typing in 1st I will be using the terms of "I" "I've" ect.

2nd = yet again my friends I do not know how to explain it but when I am typing in 2nd I will be using the terms of "you" "you've" "you're" ect.

(Basic things ↓)

F/C (favourite colour)

F/S (favourite snack)

F/E/C (favourite eye colour)

A/N (authors note)

F/D (favourite drink)

And last but not least

Y/N (you already know what it means lmao XD anyway on with the story!!)

1st P.O.V

"Y/N.....Y/N......Y/N!" I wake up to Splendorman waving his hand right in front of my face. "Mh.. Yes?? What is it Splendy??" I groan as I sit up and yawn while stretching my arms to get rid of any stiffness. "I have a fun day planned for us!" Splendorman says to me clearly beaming with excitment.

"Oh? What do you have planned my love?" I ask as I rub the tiredness out my eyes. "A day out in the city! With my brothers!" Splendorman says almost in a squeel 'w-what!? In the city!? How!?' I think to myself. "How is that gonna be possible?? Since.. Well.." I try to think of something to say but Splendor interrupts my thoughts with his speaking. "Me and my brothers shall take human form so no one will suspect a thing" he says with a bright smile. (I know in cannon they have no human form but it's a fan fiction deal with it XD)

"Oh? You have a human form? Didin't know that" I say as I uncover myself and stand up to stretch. "Well you do now! Now get a shower! There is clean clothes in there for you and a towel" he says then exists the room and heads down the stairs to make F/D for the both of you. ~time skip~ "ahhh~ that feels so good~" I say as I open the bathroom door (it's a on sweet type thing-) and let all the cool air touch my skin. Damn it feels so refreshing like when you have a dip in the pool on a hot summers day.

"Y/N! Come downstairs!" I hear Splendor yell from the bottom of the stairs "I made F/D!" He adds on "okay Splendy! Be there soon!" I yell back. 'Damn his voice is sexy--- wait. What am I thinking! He always is! Wait what!?' I begin to get tangled up in my thoughts but then get interrupted by Splendorman yelling for me again "Y/N!? You good up there??" He asks from below. "Yea I am fine!" I say from above.

"Okay great! Come down!" He replys "okay!" I say back. I get my hair all sorted out then I head down stairs and I spot Splendor on the couch drinking some tea "hey Splendy" I say with a soft smile "hey Y/N come sit down" he says and pats a space beside him. I take a seat beside him and he hands me F/D "here you are I know you like this" he says with a kind smile.

2nd P.O.V

You and Splendor talk for a good 10 minutes then you both hear knocks at the door 4 to be precis. "Coming!" Splendorman says then he stands up and heads toward the door and opens it. "Oh! Hey brothers!" Splendor says excitedly. It is Trender and Offender at the door "hey bro!" Offender says in a jolly tone "hey my dearest brother" Trender says in a calm tone. You stand up and put you're F/D down on the table then walk up beside Splendorman "hey Trender" you say waving to him "hey! What about me!?" Offender whines "uhm Offender.. I told you.. She lost her memory and does not remember you. She managed to remember Trender tho.." Splendor says putting a hand on you're shoulder. "Oh.. Sorry bro" Offender says and scratches the back of his neck nervously "come on.. Let's go in to the city" Trender says happily "okay" you say getting very excited.
            ~Time skip to the big city~

1st P.O.V

I hold Splendorman's hand as we all walk through the city. I look up at splendor and admire how adorable he looks as a human "hm? Everything okay sweetie?" Splendorman asks looking down at you "hah?? Yea! Am fine here splendy!" You say with a light tint of blush spread across you're face.

   (Hol up a bit! I just wanna share my description of what human splendorman would look like-

1)short messy poofy Black hair

2)circled red tinted glasses slightly down his face

3)Black T-shirt (those ones with the long sleeves coming out the short ones) with the words "life is beautiful" in the middle in a rainbow colour

4)Black skinny jeans with holes in them

5)wearing chains on his jeans and chain necklaces

6)red sneakers with yellow soles and white string

7)nails painted black

Thats about it sorry for the long description on with the story!)

"Ah okay then dearest" Splendorman says with a kind smile. You soon see a clothes shop you really wanna go to "Splendy van we please go in that shop??" I ask pointing at the window of the shop "hm?? Sure thing cmon guys let's go" Splendorman says signling his brothers to come along. Offender and Trender both follow behind Splendor as I enter the shop and instantly run up to a sertain hoodie I have always wanted (it can be any hoodie you want-) "Splendy may I try this hoodie on?" I ask picking the hoodie up by its hook "sure thing hunny" Splendor says calmly. "Hey! You do relize this is the BOYS section?" A man looking about to be in his 30's walks up to me clearly annoyed "what seems to be the problem sir?" I ask getting nervous "you know damn well what the problem is girl! This is the boys section not the girls section." Oh crud am having to deal with a sexist man. Great. (No offence to any males! 😥)

(Anyway! This is the end to this chapter! Also I wanna give a big apologies to all of you! For not updating in months. I fell out of the creepypasta fantom then forgot about my story then I got a new phone and forgot my password so it took me this long to finally get in 😥 I hope i can be forgiven 😅 anyway have a nice day/night guys! Remember to eat water and eat food and remember! You're all valid! No matter what! P.S:If you have any complains or just anything at all to say about this chapter then go ahead and tell me! I am not re-reading this and alot of this chapter is old and I didint bother to retype it cuz it was so much 😅😅 bye guys!)

splendor man x reader (Discontinued Due To Abandonmemt Readons) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora