7 lost memories

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Trenders P.O.V
"It is....splendor and offender" I say with a sigh of relief "what took you guys so long?" I ask as y/n slowly shows herself "sorry trender....we had some "problems" splendor says in a low and frustrated tone. Y/n P.O.V as soon as I hear the words "splendor" and "offender" my eyes light up a bit and I slowly show myself to them "Y/N!!!" splendor shouts out as he runs to me and takles me in a hug making us both fall to the ground "I'm so happy your okay!" He says as some tears roll down his face "hey! Hey....don't cry...I'm okay....we are okay..." I say as I wipe his tears away "oi love birds! Get a room~" offender and trender both say as they chuckle slightly. Me and splendor both look at eachother blushing then we smirk and nod and splendor ends the hug and stands up then he helps me up aswell "okay then~" we both say as we hold hands (le time skip ~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~) me and splendor walk back home and just be for we reach the front door I suddenly trip on a branch and I bang my head hard on a rock "y/n!?" Splendor says turning to you. That's when you black out. Splendor's P.O.V just before I open the front door to my home I hear a thud and I immediately turn around and I see y/n bang her head on a rock "y/n!?" I say starting to panic now. I pick her up in my arms bridal style and I see blood come out her head and I kick the door open and I run inside fast and I lay her on the couch and I put my hand on her head and I heal her wound then I get a nearby blanket and cover her up with it "please be okay...." I pray as I get up and I go to the kitchen and make some tea for myself. (About 2 hours later) y/n P.O.V I start to wake up and my eyes slowly open "ngh.....what happend? Wait....where am I!?" I ask in a panicked tone "hey...hey...calm down y/n...your safe...your home..." A unknown figure says walking toward me. I jolt up and I jump off the couch and stand behind it "w-who are you!? Where am I!?" I yell at the figure with alot of fear in my voice as it trembles slightly "oh....I see what has happened...." The unknown figure says "w...what....?" I ask nearly in tears wanting out the house "your tripped earlier....and banged your head off a rock then....you blacked out....y/n...I think you have lost your memories...." He says looking directly at me as he walks to me slowly "l-lost my m-memories....?" I ask as my voice trembles slightly "yes y/n...but don't worry....I can fix this....I WILL fix this...." He says with sadness in his voice "o-okay....what is your name btw? Since I can't remember...." I ask looking down ashamed "my name is splendor.....and....I am your boyfriend...." Splendor says then he walks behind the couch so he is standing in front of me and he bends down to my level and he tilts my chin up so I am looking at him "don't be ashamed....it's not your fault...." He says then he kisses my forehead softly "o-okay....." I stutter out as I blush slightly (time skip about three days) splendor P.O.V I pace around my bedroom thinking of what I can do to bring y/n's memories back to her "aha!" I say getting a idea "I will take her to the place we first met!" I say as I smile then I walk out my bedroom and I run carefully down the stairs "y/n!" I yell happily finding her in the living room on the couch "yes splendor?" She says turning her hear to look at me "I found a way how to regain your memories!" I say running up to her and grabbing her hands gently and getting her up "t-thats great! So...what's the plan?" She asks as her eyes light up and sparkle a little "we are going to where we first met" I say smiling softly at her and I walk to the front door holding only one of her hands now and I open it and we walk outside and through the forest to a lake/pond and she sees a very tall tree with a noose hanging from it "I kinda remember this place....and...I remember I tried to commit suicide....I guess thats where right?" She asks pointing at the tree with the hanging noose "yes....yes it is...." I say looking at her "but....you will not do it again....right....?" I ask with a hint of sadness in my tone "no no! I will never try it again....I promise...." She says looking up at me tears forming in her crystal f/c (favourite colour) eyes. I cup y/n's cheeks and wipe away her tears then I let her cheeks go and hold her hand and walk around the area with her   y/n P.O.V when me and splendor were walking around the wooded area with the lake/pond. Suddenly I felt a strong pain in my head "ACK!!!" I scream out as I hold my head in pain with my free hand since splendor is holding my other one. Splendor's P.O.V as me and y/n were walking around the area I hear her scream "!? Y/n!?" I say worried as I look at her and stop walking right away "what's wrong!?" I say being down in front of her so I am at the same hight level as her.    Y/n P.O.V I quiver slightly as I look at splendor "i-i think i-i am getting m-my  memories b-back....." I stutter out in pain....
Heya guys ^w^ I am so so sooooooo sorry that I have not posted in months I lost motivation and forgot I even had the app xd I hope ya'll forgive me 😔 anyway I will continue this ^^ I promise ^^ word count:1061

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