8 remembering

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Splendor's P.O.V

"R-remembering!?" I say shocked "that easy!?" I feel tears of happiness roll down my face as I smile and hug her "does this mean I get my old y/n back!?" I shout out in joy "d-don't be silly....she never left...." I hear y/n say as she looks at me. Suddenly she presses her lips agenst mine "hmph!?" Is all I could let out then I melt in to the kiss and I kiss back deeply. After about 2 minutes we part the kiss for air "do you remember everything?" I ask curiously "I dont think so yet...all I remember is you and this place....I can't remember where you live....what you do....and I feel like I'm missing something......idk what tho" she says trying to remember but fails 'I think she has forgotten my brothers.....' I think to myself for a moment there "well.....we can work on that ^^" I say to her assuring her everything is fine "okay ^^" she says as she smiles at me oh that sweet smile always could light up a dark room "let's go then ^^" I say standing up straight and I pick her up bridal style       y/n's P.O.V
      "Let's go then ^^" he says as he stands up straight. I was about to walk but he picked me up before I could even take one step "w-what are you doing!?" I ask shocked as I feel my cheeks heat up "I don't want you falling again" he says back as he starts to walk deep in the woods. After about 15 minutes we reach to a house that I remember by the colours It's splendor's house. He puts me down then he opens the front door "lady's first~" he says in a flirtatious tone. I walk inside and I sit on the couch "so....what now splendor?" I ask bored already "I wanna show you something" splendor said then he goes in to a room and comes back with a photo album in his hands "what's that for?" I ask as I point at the book "there is things in it you must see it might make you remember more" splendor said as he sat next to me and opened the book. I looked and I saw pictures of people I can't remember ever seeing in my life "these are my brothers" splendor said looking in the album. (Hey guys so all of the above was written months ago so the rest of this chapter might be better written (maybe) and I have forgotten half of this story and I can not be bugged reading it all so I am dearly sorry if some things don't make sense "^^ anyway enjoy the rest of this chapter!) "You're brothers??" I ask confused. "Yes my brothers" Splendor says with a slight smile that you can not see due to his mask but can feel it so you smile back at him. (I think he wears a mask I don't really know if not I am sorry "^^ let me know if he does wear one qwq) After like 10 minutes of looking at old photos you begin to remember one of the 3 brothers witch is Trenderman " hey! I remember one! Tender!" You say smiling brightly "yes! Good girl y/n!" Splendor says very pleased "can you remember any of the others?" He asks you "no sorry..." You say looking down sadly. "Hey! It's okay! We can work on this tomorrow. You need rest my dear" Splendor says and closes the album and gets up and puts it away on a shelf. "What time is it??" You ask looking up at Splendor as you stand up. "Hmm.. It's 10:00pm" Splendor says somehow knowing the time (LoGiC) "oh.. Okay then" you say as you yawn "heh~ you're so cute y/n~" Splendor says chuckling to himself "cmon I will get you some bed wear" he says is a soft relaxing tone. He walks with you up the stairs and to his bedroom. Once you both are inside he closes the door and he goes to his closet and picks out some bed wear for you and himself "let's just say I am always prepared for humans in my home" he says as he hands you some bed wear clearly you're size and for a female "oh! You are such a gentleman. I wish all men were like you" you say with a giggle "oh stop it! I don't like flatter!" He says clearly flattered by your choice of words and speech. ~Time skip~ Once you and Splendor both are changed in to bed wear Splendor looks at you up and down clearly amazed by you're looks. You are wearing silky pastel pink bed wear with cute little Strawberry's on them and the shirt part has cute little white shiney plastic buttons and the bottom part perfectly goes down to your ankles and no more (Example ↓)

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