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We dream big
Many yet not all seem true,
We hope and long to achieve.

Though we hold not the keys
Entitled but not to expectations,
Taking chances that end up on benches,
Then glancing to see my emotions bottled in glasses,
Soon found in a trance to keep my stance.

I've got to walk through to make me dance,
To rise from ashes,
Life gave me lashes
Burning with pain
Trying to hold on, and fly.

And keep up with the train
Winged, bounded and untying shackles,
I have got to revive, stand and tackle.

True you can't quench the thirst
But to kill the fire you have got to kill it's flames. You have got to wait!


Can't seem to wait ? Patient, I ain't ?

When it comes to time, being patient, am not the best person at that and I hope I am not the only one.

I learnt that soon enough, we all have to wait for something.

Like they say, slow and steady wins the race.

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