Chapter 1: Finnally setting down?

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 Caroline and I walked in the courtyard. Flowers in full bloom all around us. Are hands holding. Shadow trotted behind us. I smiled. The war had ended some months ago, I hadnt seen anyone really. I saw Nathan, Todd and Piper. Caroline's with me so I've seen her. We walked through large golden doors and we went through many halls and into my room. Caroline went to the bed and laid down. I sat next to her. Shadow jumped up and laid next to us. I smiled again.

 "What now," Caroline asked? I looked at her.

 "I don't know," I said. She shook her head, and smiled. Suddenly the watch on her arm began to buzz. She pressed a button on it and Jewels voice came from it. Something about an elemental-shifter. They don't exist. I got up and went to my bookshelf. I looked around untill I found a book about know universes. I flipped to a page. Elemental-shifters existed in a parellel universe. Not here.

 I put the book back and scanned for another book. I pulled it out. The Journal. It had many misteries and I was still finding new things about it. I opened it to a page I had found. I looked at it. It was an image of two dragons fighting. In one of the dragons heads was a picture, that was hard to make out, but it appeared to be a dragon killing another dragon.

 I flipped to another page, it held two faces. A perfect picture of my face now, and one of Shuns. On the page opposite of that was my dads face, and my mothers. How did my mother draw Shun's and my faces, she had died long ago. Yet they where of us now. It was odd.

 I flipped to the newest page I had found. It was a picture of my, my back turned to me versus the man in blue. How had my mother been able to make this. She died before this. There where more pictures of the war, Carolines, Shadows, Nathans, and all the others rom the rebellion where in it. I had done a detect magic spell on it which had failed. Then I used my dragon vision to see the magic, it seemed that the whole book had the power to fuel the stars and skies for eons, this was possibly the most magical thing in the universe, my sword was probably the 5th, it didnt add up though. Nothing could make something this powerfull, but an ancient magic, stronger then that of anything. magic from one of them. The Nine Etheral dragons. They held more power then the universe. Only one wasnt quite a dragon, but Dragon-kind. And it was a he though, but supposidly he couldve passed his powers to his kin, and thier kin. owever no one knows. And I highly doubt thats the truth. I'm related to a goddess, and I hold 2 things that would kill most mortals, then theirs the book, but no. That can't be the truth. And I hope its not.

 All the Nin etherals and thier kins had terrible lives. I have very little left, but no, I cant be. Can I? No. If I could then... I looked at Caroline and Shadow. Caroline was laughing. Shadow was bieng petted by Caroline. If I was, then no one was safe around me.

 "Hey Leo, how about we go see Max and Crystal," Caroline said.

 "Shure why not," I said. I was about to put the book away. I pulled my hand away. It shrunk at my command, another trick I learened about it. I shoved it in my pocket, then grabbed my coat. Caroline, Shadow and I said goodbye to my father quickly then we teleported outside.

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