Party like it's 1820

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Once all the ghosts disperse I sit with Thomas, looking out the window. 

"Do you remember the day you gave me my poetry book?" I ask Thomas smiling as I remember the day of the ball. I was wearing a gown of white and gold. The bodice was trimmed with stripes of gold, the bottom of my gown was also trimmed in gold with golden trees sown onto the end and sleeves of my gown. Accompanying my gown I was wearing white gloves that reached my upper arm. My slippers were of golden silk, also matching my gown. It was my own Ball as I was a Debutante that year. Thomas wore black knee-breeches, black stockings with a white shirt underneath a dark purple waistcoat with a high cut black tailcoat and accompanied by a white cravat and white lapel. 

"Yes, I do remember. I was the first man that you danced with. Of course we made the mistake of having more that one dance that evening and your father confronted me about our courtship - if indeed we were courting." Thomas takes my hand, "I did not want to lie to your father so I told him that I did intend to court you. He, of course, did not want us to court due to him promising you to Lord Byron without you knowing yet. After my conversation with your father I went to find you. You were so beautiful standing on the balcony of your father's estate. The moonlight shining down on you, making the gold of your gown shine" Thomas finishes. We are silent for a moment until we hear a whisper.

"Oh she's a fancy flapjack" It sounds like Mary. I laugh and turn around to indeed see Mary standing in the doorway, watching us and smiling.

"Thank you Mary. I shall take that as a compliment." Mary smiles and leaves.
Thomas carries on

"I wanted to give you my most prized possession before your father found me and kicked me out. I remember it was the first time I ever kissed you. I shall remember that day as though it were yesterday". I take his hand and kiss him quickly. Even though we are both ghosts we can still fortunately touch. I smirk at Thomas and leave him looking stunned.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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