A life that could've been

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I wake up from thinking about the past. I turn back around to leave the Library when I notice Thomas is standing by the doorway, watching me.

"Is everything okay?" Thomas asks, looking concerned. I walk up to him, looping my arm through his, I smile.

"Yes, my Love. I was just thinking about the past. Specifically the day I died." I say, shaking off the unhappy memory of Lord Byron.

"I must apologise that I could not be there with you. To share your pain..." Thomas trails off.

"There is no need to apologise. It was not your fault. You had no choice. At  least we are here together forever in death." We take a slow walk out of the Library, down the stairs. "Something brought me back here to you. I would like us both to endeavour to find out who or what brought me back".

"Of course, Arabella. You know I would do anything for you". We arrive in the living room and we see Julian trying to move a cup, Robin trying to turn the lights off and on again. Kitty sees us and walks over.

"Oh, Lady Arabella. I forgot to ask you if you have anything you can do?!" Kitty laughs and claps her hands in excitement.

"Well I can appear to people when I would like to and I believe that I can pick up certain objects. Mostly only books though". I see a book on a table in the room. I stand before it while everyone stands around me to watch. I raise my hand and lightly touch the book so that the cover flips open.

"Oooh how you do that Arabella?" Robin asks, fascinated. 

"I seem to remember from before I went into the bright light I went to pick up a poetry book, it was a gift from Thomas and I just about managed to lift it up. I think it comes with time. Julian, do not worry that you cannot fully move things yet the more time you have, the more power you will acquire". I say turning to Julian. I notice that he seems happier after I said that. I step away from the table and notice a small girl in the corner of the room. The other ghosts notice as well and recoil slightly. I ignore them and carry on approaching the girl.

"Hello, my dear. Why don't you come out a bit so I can introduce myself." The girl walks towards the light so I can see her clearly. She had the Plague, the poor sweet girl. "I am Lady Arabella, but just call me Arabella or Bella if you're more comfortable with that". I bend down while the girl stays silent but she lifts a hand to touch the curly strands of my hair. I hold out my hand. "Why don't we sit down and I can do your hair like mine?" I ask her. I see her face brighten and she smiles and leads me to the couch. I hear the others gasp and Lady Button say "Oh my" as they have never seen the little girl happy. I sit down on the couch with the girl standing in front of me. I gather some of her hair on each side of her head. I curl the strands as best I can without being able to use any tools. I turn her around so her back is to me. I gather the rest of her hair and plait it. I then take the plait and put it into a bun atop her head and tuck the hair in so it will not fall out for a little bit. I tell her that I am done and she rushes to the window to see her reflection. She squeals in delight and rushes back to me to hug me. The little girl then suddenly disappears. Presumably back to her parents. I re-join the other ghosts and they all star at me with shock.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask shyly. Thomas walks over to me.

"No, of course not. We have just never seen her happy" the others mutter in agreement. 

"You are so great with children Arabella!" says Kitty.

"Yes" Thomas agrees. "I never knew that you are great with children" Thomas says sadly. I take his hand and squeeze it gently.

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