She can see us?

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As we are half peering around the wall and standing out in the foyer to look at the new owners. I watch them in awe as they look up around them, taking in their surroundings, holding each other close. I move away from Kitty to Thomas. I take his hand and squeeze lightly

"I hope that we can be like that again" I say while still watching this new couple. Thomas looks down at me and seems to focus on me like he once did before.

"Of course, my Turtledove. You know I love you dearly" Thomas bends down to kiss my forehead. I smile up at him. I turn my attention back to the couple to see the woman staring at us, her eyes looking on mine.

"Can she see us?" Julian says, moving towards the couple which is when the woman promptly fainted, her husband catching her in his arms.

"Oh my!" Lady Button exclaims, "Is her corset too tight?" 


The woman, who we learn is named Allison, is now in the drawing room with her husband, Mike.

"I have to tell you something, but please listen and don't think I've lost my  mind" she pleads, "We are not alone in this house, there are these..." Allison pauses, "Ghosts I think, I can see them". When Allison says this, we thought it a great moment to introduce ourselves, so we descend into the drawing room, some of us using the doorway and the others going through the wall. Allison gasps as she sees us and starts to describe us.

"There's a woman who looks like she's been burnt, maybe at the stake? Her clothes look like she's from the 16th or 17th century maybe?"

"Oh I's thats bes me, Mary" Mary introduces herself, shuffling towards Allison.

"And a man in a scouts uniform with an arrow through his neck"

"Hello! How are you!" Pat suddenly pops up next to Allison, startling her.

"Oh my God, the woman we saw in that photo, Lady Button" Lady Button nods approvingly 

Allison  stares at Julian, "A man with no pants on"

"There's a man from perhaps the early 19th century with a bullet hole in his stomach, with a woman attached to his arm! Although, that lady does seem rather familiar" Allison stares at me intently, "She has brown hear in a perfect up-do of some sorts, grey eyes, small but full rounded lips with a beautiful dress" I smile lightly as she describes me.

"A cave man of some sorts" She says looking at Robin, "A Captain from the Second World War who has been staring at you intently by the way" Allison adds, she suddenly looks in shock as she looks in the doorway. I follow her gaze and clutch my hands to my chest, also in shock. A man in Tudor garb, has strolled in without a head! "And of course!" She exclaims, "A man without a head!, and lastly, I hope. A woman in 18th century clothing, i believe" Allison then looks too her husband to see his mouth open wide with shock.

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