The past part 2

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"He wanted your money" Thomas says sitting down next to me "he never loved you like I did, and still do" I don't say anything as all the memories came rushing back to me and I gasp
"Oh I remember now!" I exclaim and I hug Thomas fiercely. I hear a small sound and look over to Kitty who I see is clapping silently and smiling widely.

"I do so love romantic things" Kitty says in a sigh while watching Thomas and I holding hands.

"What does everyone do day to day?" I ask while looking around the room watching what the other ghosts are doing.

"We usually have a talk once a day but those can be extremely boring" Thomas tells me. I stand up and walk over to the window, Kitty and Thomas following behind.

"Can we go out onto the grounds?" I ask looking out of the window
"I do love taking strolls through the grounds" I finish and turn around to look at them

"We can if that's what you like" kitty replies and I'm pretty sure I know what she's thinking

"Why don't you and Thomas take a stroll and catch up?" Kitty says while slowly leading us out of the drawing room to the front door.

"Yes that would be lovely" I say as Thomas and I walk through the door.

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