"Baby please wake up for me, please." His pleas and I try to move my fingers and I hear him gasp.

"Ruby can you hear me?" I try and nod but he doesn’t work so I wiggle my finger again.

"Baby open your eyes for me, can you do that please?" My eyes lids are so damn heavy, my eyes sandy and the lights are so bright. I hear him stand up and it went dark again. I moan in panic but I feel him hold my hand.

"I turned the lights of, don’t worry. Let me see those bright green eyes I love so much" I blink several times before I can come into focus. I'm lying in a hospital bed, fully dressed in my own clothes.

"What the hell happened?" I sit up slowly and feel a huge bump in my forehead. I wince and he grabs my hand had places it between his.

"You ran in here like a mad man and ran face first into the wall, you've been out cold for three months" I gasp but he laughs, so I punch him.

"Three hours" he chuckles. The nurse said I was fine that I would just have the bruise and the bump to deal with. I wasn’t allowed to see Alex yet, but I knew he was breathing and alive. Trevor had a broken leg and some fractured ribs. They weren’t in the car when it exploded but they do have some burned and cuts. Alex's is in a coma because he hit his head on a rock when the impact of the explosion there him back. I haven’t been able to sit down for the past hour, Chuck brought me up some food and a jacket. Mrs. Colesgrove hasn’t spoken to me yet but I haven’t lost faith, I don’t know what time it is but the doctor comes out and says Trevor has awaken, they both run to his room and I’m left to wait for Alex to wake up. He has to wake up, he just has to.

It’s been a whole week and I haven’t been able to go home, Chuck brings me clothes and I shower here but I need to be here when he wakes up. I want to see myself in those baby blue eyes of his, if he doesn’t then I might as well die than live a life without him. Mr. and Mrs. Colesgrove take off to rest and Chuck has some things to do so I stay to take care of them both. Trevor Faintly feel asleep so I hurry of two Alex's room. He hasn’t moved one bit and it breaks my heart that he's all busted up and bruised. His arm is recovering from the burn but the doctor says it’s going to scar forever. I squeeze his hand and talk to him.

"I miss you talking baby, please wake up. Today I dreamt that you were back home and we were living together, so so happy. You have to wake up for it to come true. Please" My voice dies and I’m all tears.

"Don’t cry pretty girl, I'm awake know" His voice fills the room.

"ALEX!" I scream for the doctor and they rush in checking to see if everything is ok.

"Alexander you were out a whole week, how do you feel?"

"Hurt, what happened" He winced as the nurse felt his head around. The doctor explained the car accident and asked if he remember anything.

"I don’t, to be honest, I don’t know who any of you are." I feel my heart speed up, I walk past the doctor and look at his sleepy eyes.

"Alex, do you know who I am?" He smiles his breath taking side smile and nods. My body lessens and I sigh in relief.

"You’re the pretty girl who tells me her dreams and sings to me. You come every day to talk to me, you’re the reason I woke up."

"My name, say it" I snap frustrated. His face saddens because he doesn’t know my name. He doesn’t know who the hell I am, or who he is. The doctor says its normal to suffer memories loose after the brain has been fucked up as badly as his was. I scream till chuck runs in and hold me, I was kicked out of the room and Mr. and Mrs. C came in and heard the news. Chuck dragged me out of the hospital and took me to the nearest hotel.

"You need to sleep Rue" He handed me a glass of water and some pills, I happily took. I needed to forget this day for just a moment.

"Thanks" I cradle myself in his arms and drift off into my favorite dream. Alex and me kissing in our midnight spot.

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