It isn’t that I’m not a morning person. In fact, since moving into the ranch I have gotten up almost every morning with Lyle to make him breakfast before he headed to work, but last night we were up so late packing. And when I say packing, I mean that I finished packing at a descent time and then I pulled out those heels and let’s just say that we spent a few hours doing some X-rated things with those heels strapped to my feet.

“Alright, ladies, I got your bags in the SUV and double checked the tire pressure and you are ready to go.” Brian announced as he came in from the back door. He gave his hands a quick wash and then said goodbye to Brooke and Bev with a hug. “You two take care of this one.” Brian made sure to give me a hug as well and then escorted us out to Bev’s SUV. The back was packed with things for the expo so our luggage was in the third row. I climbed into the second row and Bev and Brooke got into the front and we pulled onto the road.

The drive took a really long time so when we finally arrived at the hotel, I was ready for changing into some loungewear and just sprawling out on a bed. We splurged and got a suite for the weekend, so I opted for one of the double beds in the second room with Brooke. 

“We were thinking about getting dinner at the Texas Roadhouse next door, you down?”

“I am, but I need to take a nap. I don’t get how driving can be so tiring.”

“I know, I feel the same way. I’m not going to lie, though, four days without the twins is going to be such a vacation.”

“I’m sure. Lyle was pouting about me leaving, but I’m so glad I decided to come anyway.”

“I am too. Now that you’re going to be my daughter in law, we get to plan your wedding and this is going to be a blast!”

“I really appreciate you helping with things. I know for Bev, it’s like her main job and everything, but I really like you being here and helping me as well. I don’t even know the first thing about planning a wedding and without my mom it just felt...weird.”

“I know I’m not your mom and I won’t ever try to be.”

“Well you could never be that big of a bitch,” I interrupted her.

She laughed and sat down on the bed next to me. “I guess I’m glad to hear that, but I’m serious, Harlow. If I’m overstepping, you can tell me. I know the age gap, or lack of, is kind of weird so maybe our relationship is more like sisters than your future mother in law. Anyway, like I was saying, if you feel like I’m overstepping, just tell me and I’ll step back.”

“I think if you weren’t overstepping I’d be worried about you.”

“Oh, girls got jokes!” Brooke leans her shoulder into mine. “I promise I’ll totally let you pick out your own dress, everything else, I might have an opinion.”

“I can get down with that.”

“Aright, you rest. I’m going to go walk around and check this place out.”

The next morning we were up pretty early again to get to the hall where the expo was being held. It didn’t open until three today, but we were able to get in and start to put our booth up. We’re right in the center row, which is apparently a good thing. People will sometimes skip the first or last rows, but they always walk in the center.

“This place is huge. I don’t know what I was expecting, but not this.”

“Once we get set up, you can go walk around. At the very back they had sample wedding dress sales. I’m just saying, if you find something you like, I know a great seamstress for alterations.”

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