Chapter 32

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“Holy shit, Harlow, what are we going to do with all of this stuff?”

“I don’t know when she said she was going send me my stuff, I thought like some clothes and keepsakes, I didn’t think she meant literally everything.”

“You realize that we don’t have enough room in our closet for all your clothes, right?’

“I know, I just want to go through and decide on things to keep, and then I was thinking about selling some of this stuff online.”

“Seriously? You think that’ll be worth it?”

“For sure. That large box over there is full of dresses that I wore for formal events and fundraisers. I paid hundreds, probably even more for a few of those dresses. I could resell them online and make at least half their value. And the shoes...yeah, don’t get me started on those.”

“Fucking hell, okay, sell away.”

A moving truck arrived at the farm this morning. At least mom and grandma were freaking out that Harlow was moving out, I guess we had forgotten to tell them about the conversation she had with her sister, Abby. I was cynical when she told me that her sister was going to send her some stuff, but then the truck came and it was jam-packed full of boxes, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she was trying to change.

We got everything up into our apartment, but barely. The two spare bedrooms were packed full of boxes and some had ended up in our living room as well. They weren’t labeled, so for the last hour, Harlow has been cutting open boxes to see where things were. Every once in a while she lets out a little squeal and runs to show me something that she found. I knew my girl had money and was a little spoiled, but seeing all the shit she had, man I didn’t see how she’d been surviving with a pair of jeans, a handful of leggings, and boots bought from the country store in town.

I was humoring her by opening some boxes, but I didn’t know what I was looking for. When I sat down with one of the boxes that ended up on our bed, I peeked in and found this black, strappy, high as fuck high heels and I’m not going to lie my cock hardened just thinking about how sexy she had to look when she was wearing them. I hooked them on my finger and walked back into the second bedroom where she was sitting on the ground, whistling happily.

“Hey, Sweetness?”

“Yeah, honey?”

“Can you keep these?”

I spun around on the ground and looked up at the heels I was very. A shade of pink spread across her cheeks as so quickly popped off the floor and made a run for the shoes. “Give me those!”

“No way in hell, sweet thing.” I held them up over her head, being a half a foot or so taller than her had its perks. “Tell me, when did you wear these hot things?”

I jumped to try and reach the shoes, even though she didn’t come close to getting them, “I don’t want to talk about it, give those to me.”

I lowered them down, acting like I was going to let her have them, but then last second I pulled them up again, “I’ll give them to you when you tell me why a sweet little church-going princess like you has these fuck me stripper heels.”

“Don’t be crass!”

“You love my crass.” I reach around and grab her ass. She squealed and smacked me across the chest, but then wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down closer to her for a kiss. She’s the first to slide her tongue into my mouth and I allow my hands to slide down her body and rest on her ass. She lets out a small moan and then in a blink of an eye she grabbed the shoes from my hand and ran off to the bedroom with them.”

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