"Nah, babe, I got it," he said with a smile even as the pastry bag threatened to slip. It was only a couple more feet, and Dean quickly put down the pastries before putting a cup of coffee in front of Castiel.

"You're going to give me a heart attack one of these days," Castiel grumbled, his soft smile hiding just how serious he was. He took a sip from the coffee Dean got for him, surprised it was just the way he liked it. Castiel had to admit, he wasn't much of a coffee person, but he definitely needed the alertness it brought with it, so he'd drown the actual coffee in creamer and sugar. More than a few agents at the office told him it was almost undrinkable, but that was the way he functioned. Why did Dean know his coffee order?

"I still have no idea how you drink that stuff," Dean said, shaking his head as he sat next to Castiel. Dean rested his arm on the back of Castiel's chair, and he had to remind himself not to flinch away at the contact. They were married now, and even though there was a low burn of annoyance in the back of his mind at the action, he couldn't act on it. No, they had to be in love. It made Castiel sick. "So, what's the plan for the day?"

"Well, Misha was telling me about your neighbors giving him a list of things you guys needed to do while out here, so why don't we get a few of those done?" John told him. Dean looked at Castiel with a brow raised, as if asking him do you actually talk to your neighbors? Well, that's what Castiel assumed the look was. Maybe Dean was just surprised he had any semblance of a social life outside of the agency.

"Right, yeah," Dean said, effortlessly joining the story. He turned to Castiel. "So, what did you want to see, babe?"

Castiel tried not to cringe at the pet name. "Well, when I was talking to the girl next door, she was telling me we just had to go to Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square, and the London Eye if we want to do the major tourist things-" Castiel turned to Sherlock and John- "The couple that lives next door to us are from London, so they got really excited when they said we were going on a trip. I think those'd be nice to see first, if it isn't too bad."

"I think we could do those in a day. Traffic and parking might be a bit messy, but it's doable," Sherlock chimed in. Castiel knew those were some of the biggest tourist points, but hey, Rose suggested them. He wanted to take a few pictures for her to see once he got back. "We should probably head out soon if we want to have a good amount of daylight to spend there."

"Yeah, we want you guys to be able to enjoy the sights," John told them. The four of them continued with their breakfast, looking as relaxed as possible even though Castiel knew each one of them was on high alert. Castiel was already trying to spot the tail, knowing it'd be better if they knew who it was early on. At this point, there really was no telling who was one of Crowley's men.

After breakfast, the men headed back to the flat to get the car and head out. John and Sherlock figured it'd be best to head out to Hyde Park first and work their way inward from there, allowing them to get to the London Eye just before it closed. Sherlock had an in with someone that worked there, meaning they'd be able to get on the Eye quickly.

Castiel had to admit, he liked being able to do the whole tourist thing, even if he was still technically on the job. When they got to the gardens of Hyde Park, Charlie was cooing in his ear about how nice it looked, instructing him to turn or get closer looks at things she wanted to see. Castiel complied without complaint, knowing it must be nice for her to see something other than the main office.

Castiel wandered off on his own, enjoying Charlie's chatter about the gardens and how she had to go there one day, when he was startled by a hand brushing against his. He peeked out of the corner of his eye, seeing Dean's familiar shape standing just in his periphery. "You gotta pay attention to what's around you, babe. Wouldn't want someone to snatch you up."

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