To Know Your Enemy

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As the four men worked, Sherlock and John filled them in on just who the tail was. They hadn't seen him around the club much, but they still knew him. Apparently it was some man called Simm, who normally was able to blend in to the crowds pretty easily. Sherlock noticed him trailing the Americans at Hyde Park, but was able to confirm it when he saw the man enter the capsule after Castiel and Dean's. He normally wasn't Crowley's first choice to trail newcomers, but Crowley needed someone Sherlock and John didn't know too well.

There was a lot to learn about Crowley. He wasn't the sentimental type, but apparently allowed a brief moment of weakness for Castiel and Dean's 'almost daughter' Mary. He saw everyone at the club as disposable, just more pawns in his game, but took a liking to Castiel. Was Crowley onto them? Did he have reason to be suspicious? Was he toying with them? Sherlock and John didn't have the answers, but they didn't have enough reason to believe the operation was compromised. The only potential breach Castiel could see would be if somehow it actually was Balthazar he'd seen that night, but he wasn't even sure it was actually Balthazar. It just seemed too bizarre to bring to the others' attention.

Sherlock and John called it a night before Castiel could even think of sleeping. They retired to their room for the night, leaving Dean and Castiel in the living room to work. Dean was working on his laptop, trying to find something useful from the database or even from Google, while Castiel read through the files Sherlock and John had for them. Castiel had to admit, the files were definitely detailed with the limited information that the two had.

"It just doesn't make sense. How does this guy run an operation this big and a company, and there's still not that much on him?" Dean asked, running a hand over his face. "There's nothing about him! Normally magazines and shit like getting way too into CEOs lives, but there's not even one interview with this guy? It's gotta be a shill company or something."

"It's a genuine company, though. It's an advertising advising company. They don't create advertisements, but they tell other companies how to make their campaigns effective," Castiel explained. "Maybe it was created as a cover, but with the company's history, I don't really see how it is."

"How do you know all this?" Castiel could feel Dean's gaze on him, and simply tapped on the earpiece still in place. "Dude, that's cheating!"

"Charlie's just good at providing information," Castiel said.

"Aw, thank you. I try my best," Charlie chimed in. "Are you guys gonna sleep anytime soon? It's already like one over there."

"I don't think I'll sleep much tonight, I want to find out as much as I can," Castiel told her. Dean watched on, curious. "Maybe there's something, some connection they didn't see before. I don't know, maybe something I saw when I was in the field can help out."

"You think so, Cas? I don't know, apparently the genius asleep in the other room is good at finding connections," Dean told him. "I think they already have any information you can get out of these."

"As valid as that probably is, there's only so much he can do with the information provided. He doesn't have the same experiences I do. There's the chance I've dealt with Hell before, I just didn't know it was them at the time."

"And mic drop," Charlie said, making Castiel smile.

"Whatever Charlie just told you, rude." Dean was definitely pouting, giving Castiel a little bit of satisfaction. It felt nice to be on the winning side. "What do you want me to do?"

"Hey, that's my line! I'm the tech here." Great, now Charlie was pouting.

"See if you can find anything on that Simm guy. There's no way the guy has no digital footprint, everyone does these days. Check social media, see if you can find a phone number or something and then we can reverse track that," Castiel instructed him, leaning back to stretch his sore joints. There was no way sitting for this long was good for him, but he definitely learned to ignore that by now. Maybe that's why his back always gave him problems these days.

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