Tourist for a Day

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In ordinary circumstances, Castiel would have really enjoyed a trip to London. There were so many things he'd heard of over the years from the Doctor and Rose, but he'd never really had the chance to travel. Well, he never really gave himself the chance to travel. The last time he'd been in London, him and Balthazar had been following a lead. They were only in the city for three days, trailing their target closely, so it wasn't like he really had the chance to look around. Maybe Castiel wanted the chance to go on the London Eye like any normal person, sue him.

Fingers brushing against his brought him back to the present. It took him a second to realize Dean slipped his hand into Castiel's, but Castiel didn't have the space to question him. After all, he was supposed to be happily married to the man. Even though they'd barely left the flat - John and Sherlock leading them to a cafe down the street - Castiel knew they were most likely already being trailed. If Hell was anywhere as good as everyone believed, they'd have someone staking out the apartment at all hours, then a couple trails following the couples as they went about their business.

Charlie was quiet in his ear, but he knew she was watching everything through his glasses. Sure, there would be blind spots, but Castiel could deal with those on his own. Dean was keeping up pleasant small talk with John and Sherlock, brushing his thumb over Castiel's knuckles every now and then as if to let him know he hadn't forgotten about him. Castiel had never really been in a relationship, but he supposed that kind of thing was comforting. If only there were the circumstances for it to be a real relationship thing. And if that relationship had been with anyone other than Dean Winchester.

It didn't take long for them to reach the cafe, Dean and Sherlock going to order while John and Castiel grabbed a table. Castiel scanned the area around them as subtly as he could, trying to spy their tail without outing that he was looking for one. "Misha, you alright?" John asked, interrupting his process. "You've been pretty quiet the walk over."

Castiel knew what it was. John was telling him to get his act together and fast. Castiel didn't have the time to think about the last time he was in London, or how messed up the circumstances were. No, he had to be a good husband and tourist. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just had trouble sleeping last night. It's all just so exciting, being in London again! And this time I get to actually have a bit of fun."

"Right! You came here before on a work trip," John kept up the act. It was just chatter, so Castiel was allowed to say whatever he wanted. He would have to keep his story straight, but Charlie would have notes just in case he needed a refresher.

"Yeah, I was only in town for a few days so I didn't really have time to do the whole tourist thing," Castiel said with a laugh. "Jen and I have some neighbors that gave us a whole list of things to do while in London."

As he thought of the Doctor and Rose, Castiel's smile was real. He probably wouldn't be able to visit Rose's mom while he was here, but it really would be for the best. He could take Rose yelling at him for a bit, or maybe just looking at him in disappointment- on second thought, maybe he could stop by for an hour or two and just check in on her for Rose. Once this was all over, of course. He really wouldn't want to risk her safety during something like this.

"We'll see how much we can get done while you're here," John promised with a bright smile. "And then we have some spots we want to show you too! It'll probably be a while to show you everything though."

"We have enough time," Castiel told him just as Dean and Sherlock came up. Dean tried to balance two cups of coffee and various pastries in his hands while Sherlock watched on in concerned amusement. He wasn't going to stop Dean, no, watching what would happen was much more entertaining. Castiel stood to grab something from him, but Dean shook his head.

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