My lips were sealed. Horrified by what I'd done, I didn't dare speak up again. And lowering my eyes, I wished the earth could swallow me up.

     "Look, I will get straight to the point now. I'm done beating around the bush," Queen Astoria said. "Stay away from my son. You two should not be together. It's absurd. So I'm giving you three strikes. And so far, you've reached strike one. Which mean, two more strikes and you're out. You will be outcasted and out on the streets. Got that?"

     I so badly wanted to argue back, to say love shouldn't have any barriers, but I was left speechless. Unable to believe the Queen would kick me out for being with Flynn, I was left silent. And when the Queen saw that I wouldn't speak, she smirked and walked off, leaving me behind as I pondered over what to do.


     I was lying in bed with Flynn. Flynn was sitting next to me, his back pressed against the headboard of his bed and my cheek was pressed against a fluffy pillow. After what happened earlier, my mood was destroyed. All I wanted to do was mourn in bed and forget about everything, but I couldn't.

     "How was your day?" Flynn asked. "I didn't get to see you until now."

     "Okay," I whispered.

     Flynn frowned. He tried to get a better view of my face and I sighed. Exhausted from life, I just lay there, feeling overwhelmed.

     "What's wrong?" Flynn asked.

     "Nothing," I said. Sighing, I then realized I needed to get it off my chest. "Okay, the truth is no one wants us together. And it makes me sad."

     "Ignore the princesses. They're jealous and desperate. They're all turning twenty one soon, so they're trying their best to get married as soon as they can. Don't take it personally."

     I sat up then, wishing I could tell Flynn it was his mother I was worried about. I wished I could tell him what his mother said, but knowing that might cause a drift between Flynn and his mother, I kept my mouth shut about my walk in the garden.

     "If I'm being honest, it's your parents I'm worried about," I said.

     "Why?" Flynn asked. "Sure, they aren't thrilled by us dating, but they seem to accept it. Did something happen?"

     I shook my head. I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling lost.

     "If they say anything or make it seem like they despise our relationship, ignore them," Flynn said. "They're just horrified that I'm dating a servant. It's so silly and shallow."

     My eyes were on Flynn's bed. I wished I could agree that it wasn't wrong to be in love with a servant. But deep down, I knew how the world worked. Princes shouldn't be with their servants and there was no way Flynn and I could ever be.

     "Helena, look at me," Flynn whispered. "My parents are crazy to think that it's better to have me marry a princess than someone as kind and caring as you. Seriously, just ignore them."

     My eyes rose to meet Flynn's. He was already staring at me, a look of worry on his face.

     "I feel pathetic," I confessed. "Everyone keeps telling me that there's no way that someone like you could ever love me. That I'm a worthless servant."

     "Ignore them," Flynn said. My eyes widened when he reached over and brushed my hair back gently. His eyes were locked on mine. "Their opinion is irrelevant."

     I gulped, my heart pounding from the way Flynn looked at me. His voice was so soft, his eyes full of emotions as he just kept staring at me. My heart was racing and I was too speechless to speak.

     "I respect you. More than any royalty I've ever met," Flynn whispered. "You're perfect the way you are, Helena. Don't let anyone get to you."

     I blushed and my eyes lowered. My heart felt like it would explode and I took a deep breath in. Growing shy, I didn't know what to say except thank you.

     "Thank you," I whispered. "Seriously, your words mean a lot."

     My eyes rose to meet Flynn's again and he was smiling. But, his eyes were still gentle on me.

     "I know you more than anyone else in this castle does," Flynn said. "So take everyone's opinion with a grain of salt. They don't know you. Not like I do, at least."

     I leaned forward and rested my head against Flynn's chest. And immediately, he hugged me back. He held me tightly, his body warm against mine, and I let my eyes fly shut. Welcoming his existence, I just stayed there holding him, wishing that somehow, this entire relationship was real. I wished that somehow, Flynn could fall in love with me.

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