"What was that?!"

"Is everyone okay?!?"

"No-one got hurt!"

"That explosion was near, get armed." Daichu spoke, already armed.

Even the Z's were loosing it, scattering everywhere, it took Nao some energy to hold them off from biting anyone.

But it was Atsumu's voice that took everyone back to reality.

"Oh c'mon!!" Atsumu yelled, standing ontop of a truck, pretty annoyed, around 20 more people around, and the girl from this morning with him. "She looked so badass pointing the gun at everyone and herself! Why'd u have to tame our lil' beast?!"

There were 3 other cars that were on fire, most likely the reason of the explosion.

Everyone got their guns and bats in hand, ready to fight, knowing very well that the blond will go extreme.

"What do you want?" Daichi asked, getting out of the house with the rest.

"Huh?" The blond looked at Daichi, rolling his eyes. "Did we just met? I'm trying to get y'alls zombie girl, duh!" Looking at Nao now, he smiled arrogantly. " And you're up for that, right? Oikawa is waiting!"

"Oikawa?" Iwaizumi immediately asked, lowering his bat, turning to Nao. "So that guy has him? Why didn't you tell me this sooner, I could've beat him when I had the chance?!"

"I was-"

"Is that the reason you wanted to leave?" Ushijima now asked.


"Please don't tell me you wanted to go with them, Nao." Bokuto looked just was worried.

"Damn y'all!!" Atsumo spoke again, throwing a tantrum. "Let her speak, will ya?!"

Not knowing what to answer she just stayed quiet, the Z's loosing it more and more. When one of the Z's got too close to Nao, Iwaizumi took his chance to kill it.

"Wait! You don't have to kill them!" Nao yelled, but by then half the team was already on it, and ofcourse they weren't attacking any of Atsumu's people. "Stop it, your hurting them!!"

"That's the goddamn point!" Tanaka yelled, hitting another one right in the head with his metal pipe. "It's not like you haven't killed Z's."

Ofcourse she had killed Z's befiee, but this time it was diffrent, it was diffrent from feeling one Z's pain compared to 50.

Nao felt it all. She felt in how much pain every single Z was, their thoughts, their dreams shattering, their cries, but also euphoria from finally being freed from this hell.

She spotted Yaku killing one of the Z's and another about to attack him from behind.

Not thinking twice she jumped right in, letting the Z bite right into her arm, Atsumu's eyes widening at the sight.

Putting a knife right through it's head, Nao kicked it back, trying to fight back her feelings.

"T-Thank-" Yaku was about to go soft, only for Nao to interrupt him.

"Don't." She glared at the second-year, not liking him too much. "I didn't save you. I saved the Z from having to kill someone and be sad."

"Hahaha, she said saved a zombie! Let's spice things up even more!!" The girl with him screamed, totally having a blast. Next thing everyone knew, their lackies pulled a bloodied Oikawa to deck and threw him down next to Atsumu.

"This is like a Drama-Fantasy video-game!!!" The girl laughed again.

It took a few seconds for everyone to process. Iwaizumi was the first to jump into action if it weren't for Bokuto, Daichi, Asahi and Kuroo holding him down, as he yelled for them to let him go.

Wakatoshi got ready to hold Nao down too, but she didn't move an inch, in shock in a way as her head started spinning. The Z's were all surprisingly calm too, not a single Z was moving, even when Tanaka lovingly poked them with his pipe for reassurance.

"What's wrong with them bro?" Nishinoja whispered over to Tanaka confused. "I don't know bro." Tanaka whispered back.

"You think this is a game?! That this is so much fun?!?" Iwaizumi growled, still being held down, Atsumu's lackies pointing their guns at him now. "To play with human lifes, to see their friends and loved ones in pain!?!"

Getting a gun into hand he pointed it at Oikawa's head.

Even when half bloddied and his arms tied up behind him, Oikawa still had the energy to smile at his two friends, mouthing a 'sorry'.

Putting his foot for on his neck Atsumu pulled the trigger.

That's when something snapped in Nao.

"A game, huh? I'll show you a 'game'." Nao smiled, her vision slowly bluring, tears finally dripping down her eyes. She didn't understand anythings at the moment, like what their mission was to come out here with a truck full of lackies, explode things, or bring Oikawa for 'show', but when she saw Oikawa get killed right infront of her, she knew one thing for sure.

She was ready to kill a living human being.

Screaming on the top of her lungs, without holding back, every Z around went straight for Atsumu's gang, running past everyone else.

Atsumu didn't even have a chance to yell as Nao fell oncouncios and every Z in existence wanted a piece of him. Her pulse getting weaker.

To be continued...

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