the raven method

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raven method is just one of the many different methods used in shifting.

having a script for this method, is not required, but it is recommendable. you don't actually need it, but to be safe, just make one. Whether it is printed, hand written, or digital, it's better safe than sorry, yeah?

i do recommend to clear your mind, or meditate before laying down trying it, or any method.  the amino community chat thing highly suggested it to have "positive" vibes.

make sure you go to a quite area where it has no distractions. like laying down on your bed in your room with the doors closed.

just stay calm, and have a positive vibe

-make sure you're tired, like you're about to fall over tired (this was the part I made a mistake in. when sleeping, i never get tired)

-listen to subliminals. there's a whole lot of them on youtube

-lay on your back in a starfish position (stomach is also optional, but laying on your back is much more effective). don't move from this position until you're sure you're comfortable

-count from 1 to 100, mentally or out loud. in between each number, say "i have shifted" mentally.

-visualize your desired reality while counting, where you'll wake up, what the room you'll wake up in, (so I do recommend using pictures if you're not so good at visualizing) etc. etc.

- if you find your thoughts wandering, just catch yourself, and refocus your thoughts to your desired reality

-once you get to one hundred, without moving or opening your eyes, try to fall asleep while repeating affirmations o yourself like "i have shifted", or "i am a master shifter" or another one is "i am in my desired reality".

try not to die or be harmed in your desired reality or i'm coming for you. have a nice time and be safe💛


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