My Cinderella Story (part 15)

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**10 minutes later
Betty: Hi *sits down*
Jughead: for a moment I thought you weren't coming
Betty: well here I am
Jughead: so what's up?
Betty: I'm needed someone to talk too
Jughead: why didn't you call Toni or Cheryl?
Betty: I got into a super selective acting program
Jughead: what?
Betty: So I applied to the acting program, I never thought i would get in but I did. I also got into my dream school. I've wanted to go there so long but now I feel like I have so many options. The problem is that Toni and Cher got into NYU too. What am I supposed to do?
Jughead: okay answer this, are you even thinking about going to the acting program? Did you give it a second thought?
Betty: yes, I mean of course I did but-
Jughead*stops her* then you should go to the acting program
Betty: you really think so?
Jughead: I know so
Betty: thank you Jughead *looks at her phone* it's really late, I gotta go *gets up*
Jughead: Betty wait
Betty: yeah?
Jughead: break a leg *beams at her*
Betty*smiles and walks away*

**the next day
Toni: so what's up Betty?
Betty: Toni I got into this super fancy acting program
Toni: that's awesome Betty, NYU is gonna be so great
Betty:that's the thing, it's not at NYU
Toni: oh.
Betty: it's halfway across the world, Toni I'm so sorry
Toni: don't please
Betty: are you mad?
Toni: I'm beyond happy for you but I just have to separate that from the fact that you won't be at NYU
Betty: how do you know I'm gonna go?
Toni: because your not passing up an Opportunity like that plus I know my best friend, you wouldn't have told me if you hadn't already made up your mind
Betty: So?
Toni: you have to go and learn, then you'll be a bomb-ass actor or singer or whatever. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. What kind of friend would I be if I asked you to give that up?
Betty*smiles* I love you Toni
Toni*beams* I love you too Betty!!!

**a month later
Betty*packing* So you won't miss me?
Toni: of course I will, we have to FaceTime everyday
Betty: duh
Toni: so what about Jones?
Betty*sits back on her bed and sighs* I still love him Toni, I'm still in love with him
Toni: love sucks Cooper but it's also fantastic
Betty*lays back*will I ever get over him?
Toni: Maybe you will, maybe you won't. Personally I think there's more to yalls story, it's not over Betty
Toni: your moms okay with this
Betty: I think so, she really wants me to be happy
Toni: so do I, which remind me *hops up and pulls something out of her pocket* here you go! *gives her a box*
Betty*opens it to reveal a charm bracelet* Oh my god Toni
Toni: there's a charm for each special event in our lives together with the dates, so you can remember
Betty*tears roll down her face* I'm gonna miss you so much *hugs her*
Toni: I'm gonna miss you more than you could ever think possible
Alice*comes upstairs* Hi girls, it's time for Elizabeth to go
Toni*hugs Alice* I'm gonna miss you to Mrs.C

Betty's POV: After that, I was on my way to the acting program. I'm starting a life for myself but there's still one thing I wonder about, will me and jug ever have a happily ever after?

^^^^^^^^^^^^the end^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thats all for now...........

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